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Getting past developers block

Rob Kendal {{☕}} on June 07, 2019

You know the feeling: you've got a great idea for a project, an app, a widget-me-jig, but you're struggling to get going. Perhaps — more commonly —...
tchaflich profile image
Thomas C. Haflich

I go for a walk outside. Nothing clears out the cobwebs more than a breath of fresh air and some sun. (Or, during the winter, the harsh blast of freezing air and some exercise to warm up.)

My town has lots of green-space, and I'm very appreciative of that for just this purpose.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

I just did 10 sets of

git add -A
git commit -m "message"
git push heroku master

on google fonts that wont load on my django project.

Such a waste of time.

Im happy im not alone tho. cheers!