Who? Fullstack JavaScript developer
When? Anytime from now
What? Integrating the open-source music information encyclopedia MusicBrainz within Kendraio Player, a proof-of-concept for a multi-service player for music streaming using web monetisation technology.
We want to give $500 to whoever can create an interface where you can look up as well as upload information to MusicBrainz via Kendraio Player in Kendraio App. We want users to be able to use Kendraio Player to display and also upload information to and from MusicBrainz.
Kendraio App is a general framework for creating low-code applications. Kendraio App was originally created to service the creative/music industry to enable easy asset and rights management both locally and on third-party platforms. But what we've ended up creating is a generic data browser that plugs into remote APIs and enables highly configurable low-code interfaces to be built. As part of our project for Grant for the Web, we developed Kendraio Player, an end-to-end reimagining of the interactions between streaming services, artists and consumers and how we can monetise music on the web to create the healthier, more open and fair internet that Grant for the Web strives to see built. MusicBrainz is an open-source, community-led music encyclopedia.
If all tasks have been completed after the mutually agreed-upon time frame, you will receive a $500 reward! This bounty is proposal-based, so have a look and submit your proposal here:
Kendraio App MusicBrainz integration (bounty)
Our second bounty is to integrate the open-source music encyclopedia MusicBrainz into Kendraio App. Kendraio App is our low-code 'data browser' application. Within Kendraio App we've built Kendraio Player, a proof-of-concept for a multi-service music streaming player using web monetisation technology, funded by Grant for the Web towards their mission to create a healthier internet.
We want this integration to enable Kendraio App users to search and browse, and also upload information to MusicBrainz. To participate, we would like talented full-stack JavaScript developers to propose how they would integrate MusicBrainz with Kendraio App.
- Timeframe: 2 weeks
- Bounty: $500 USD (paid out via https://opencollective.com/kendraio -- so you need to have an account here to be paid)
We're rewarding the individual (or group) that carries out this bounty in a transparent, interoperable, and easy to use way.
See how our first bounty went at Kendraio Player Audiotarky integration. And see Radhy's writeup of his experience at Afterthought on integrating Audiotarky API into Kendraio App.
- A proposal written out before work starts and agreed upon beforehand in our Google Drive.
- Interfaces created in Kendraio App using Flows where a user can:
- Look up information about a particular MusicBrainz entity ("give me info about The Beatles")
- Browse MusicBrainz to find entities connected to a particular entity ("show me all releases by The Beatles")
- Search for entities matching a specific query ("show me all artists matching the query 'Beatles'").
- Interfaces created in Kendraio App using Flows where a user (artist) can:
- Upload information about a specific music release to MusicBrainz via Kendraio App.
Technical details and source code
- Kendraio App: https://github.com/kendraio/kendraio-app
- MusicBrainz development resources: https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development
- MusicBrainz API: https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_API
- MusicBrainz GitHub: https://github.com/Borewit/musicbrainz-api
- The bounty will be evaluated by the Kendraio Team and advisors.
- Evaluation will be based on the completion of the task, as well as on how transparent, interoperable and easy to use it is.
- The more you can commit to documenting and talking about your experience with Kendraio App the more excited we will be to work with you.
Candidates should have some existing experience with JavaScript and web APIs. Must be willing to document and talk about their experience of working on the tasks in this bounty.
Once a candidate has put themselves forward, our Kendraio developers will mentor them exclusively for 2 weeks (or more, by mutual agreement). If after the agreed-upon period tasks remain open, another candidate may be given the opportunity instead.
About Kendraio
Kendraio App is a general framework for creating low-code applications. Kendraio App was originally created to service the creative/music industry to enable easy asset and rights management both locally and on third-party platforms. But what we've ended up creating is a generic data browser that plugs into remote APIs and enables highly configurable low-code interfaces to be built. And we'll use this framework as the basis of this project. Please check out these links before accepting this mission: Kendraio App demo, Kendraio App on GitHub, Kendraio App documentation, Kendraio App website. As you create this project your feedback will influence the direction and capabilities of the Kendraio framework.
The Kendraio App lets users build interfaces from blocks. The blocks themselves are plumbed together with modern JavaScript, TypeScript, and are configured using JSON. We have various backend APIs, and proxy endpoints hosted using Vercel's serverless platform.
<div class="gh-btn-container"><a class="gh-btn" href="https://github.com/kendraio/kendraio-app/issues/184">View on GitHub</a></div>
You can also find more specifications, evaluation criteria and documentation in it.
Top comments (3)
I am confused a little, but what is the difference between getting paid a bounty and just...well being paid for work completed.
It may be I don’t understand your platform but is this to encourage people to build things that they still control after they have built them to expand your user base or would the source code by yours (which then leads me back to my original question 😜)
Bounties are usually offered as an incentive for implementing minor features and they're usually paid. There's not much difference in the two.
In regards to ownership, it should be under Kendraio's proprietary technology as we're paying for it. However, we're a non-profit, open source company that releases its code under MIT license, so anyone can use it for commercial or non.
Hope that answers your questions. Are you a developer?
For a ready-made example see app.kendra.io/musicbrainz/musicbra..., and you can see how easy it is to create flows that connect to APIs.