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Kevan Stannard
Kevan Stannard

Posted on

Simple Server Side CSS with ReScript, React and Emotion


A simple introduction to using server side CSS with ReScript, React and Emotion CSS.

ReScript version: bs-platform@8.3.3

NPM Packages

First install the packages we need.

npm i @emotion/css @emotion/server react react-dom reason-react
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This example is using the following versions:

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Update bsconfig.json

Add reason-react to bs-dependencies:

"bs-dependencies": ["reason-react"],
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Create the Emotion bindings

In a file Emotion.res add the following bindings.

module Css = {
  external css: {..} => string = "css"

module Server = {
  external renderStylesToString: string => string = "renderStylesToString"
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Render a component with some styles

In a test file, create some styles to use:

module Styles = {
  open Emotion.Css
  let container = css({"border": "1px solid black"})
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Create a React component that uses the styles:

module Container = {
  let make = (~children) => {
    <div className={Styles.container}> {children} </div>
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Render the component with Emotion styles:

let el = <Container> {ReasonReact.string("Hello")} </Container>

let html =
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Which generates the following code (reformatted here for readability):

<style data-emotion="css 1r0rfp">
  .css-1r0rfp{border:1px solid blue;}
<div class="css-1r0rfp">Hello</div>
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If you would prefer stronger type safety with Emotion, you may like to use bs-css.

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