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Kevan Stannard
Kevan Stannard

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Exploring ReScript Exception Handling


A brief exploration of some ReScript exception handling.

Hopefully this provides some useful examples of ReScript error handling.

ReScript version: bs-platform@8.3.3

Handling JavaScript exceptions thrown from JavaScript

Write a JS function that throws an error, and add a binding for it.

function a() {
  throw new Error("An error occurred")

@bs.val external a: unit => unit = "a"
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Catch the error using try/catch.

try {
} catch {
| Js.Exn.Error(error) => {
    // error: Js.Exn.t
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Or, catch the error using switch and matching on the Js.Exn.Error type:

switch a() {
| exception Js.Exn.Error(error) => {
    // error: Js.Exn.t
| () => ()
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Or, catch the error using switch, matching on any exception type, and detect the Js.Exn.t type.

switch a() {
| exception error => {
    // error: exn
    let optError = Js.Exn.asJsExn(error)
    switch optError {
    | Some(error) => {
        // error: Js.Exn.t
    | None => Js.log("Unknown error")
| () => ()
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Handling JavaScript exceptions thrown from ReScript

Write a function that throws a JavaScript exception:

let b = (): unit => {
  // Equivalent to throw new Error("An error occurred")
  Js.Exn.raiseError("An error occurred")
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Handling these errors is identical to when the exception is thrown from JavaScript.

Catch the error using try/catch:

try {
} catch {
| Js.Exn.Error(error) => {
    // error: Js.Exn.t
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Or, catch the error using switch and matching on the Js.Exn.Error type:

switch b() {
| exception Js.Exn.Error(error) => {
| () => ()
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Or, catch the error using switch, matching on any exception type, and detect the Js.Exn.t type.

switch b() {
| exception error => {
    // error: exn
    let optError = Js.Exn.asJsExn(error)
    switch optError {
    | Some(error) => {
        // error: Js.Exn.t
    | None => Js.log("Unknown error")
| () => ()
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Handling ReScript exceptions

Write a function that throws a custom ReScript exception:

exception MyException(string)

let c = (): unit => {
  raise(MyException("An error occurred"))
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Handle using try/catch, matching on the exception:

try {
} catch {
| MyException(reason) => Js.log("MyException:" ++ reason)
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Handle using switch, matching on the exception.

Notice the need for the exception keyword here.

switch c() {
| exception MyException(reason) => Js.log("MyException:" ++ reason)
| () => ()
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Handle using switch and try detect if it's a JavaScript error:

switch c() {
| exception error => {
    // error: exn
    let optError: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Exn.asJsExn(error)
    switch optError {
    | Some(error) => {
        // error: Js.Exn.t
    | None => Js.log("Not a JavaScript error")
| () => ()
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This prints "Not a JavaScript error", as expected

Handling promise rejections from JavaScript

Write a JavaScript function that returns a rejected promise, and add a binding for it.

function d() {
  return Promise.reject(new Error("An error occurred"))

@bs.val external d: unit => Js.Promise.t<unit> = "d"
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Catch the error and attempt to identify that it's a JavaScript error.

d()->Js.Promise.catch((error: Js.Promise.error) => {
  switch error {
  | exception error => {
      let optError: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Exn.asJsExn(error)
      switch optError {
      | Some(error) => {
      | None => Js.log("Not a Js.Exn.t")
  | _ => Js.log("Not an exn")
}, _)
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This prints:

Not an exn
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  • The JavaScript error is converted to type Js.Promise.error, which is not a member of the exn type.
  • The switch case exception error match does not occur, because the error is not an exn type.

Handling JavaScript promise rejections from ReScript

Write a function that returns a rejected promise containing a JavaScript error.

let e = (): Js.Promise.t<unit> => {
  Js.Promise.make((~resolve as _, ~reject as _) => {
    Js.Exn.raiseError("An error occurred")
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Note: Raising the error has the effect of rejecting the promise.

Catch the error and try detect that it's a JavaScript error.

e()->Js.Promise.catch((error: Js.Promise.error) => {
  switch error {
  | exception error => {
      let optError: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Exn.asJsExn(error)
      switch optError {
      | Some(error) => {
      | None => Js.log("Not a Js.Exn.t")
  | _ => Js.log("Not an exn")
}, _)
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This prints:

Not an exn
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  • The JavaScript error is converted to type Js.Promise.error, which is not a member of the exn type.
  • The switch case exception error match does not occur, because the error is not an exn type.

Handling ReScript promise rejections from ReScript

Write a function that returns a rejected promise containing a Rescript error.

exception MyException(string)

let f = (): Js.Promise.t<unit> => {
  Js.Promise.make((~resolve as _, ~reject as _) => {
    raise(MyException("An error occurred"))
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Note: Raising the error has the effect of rejecting the promise.

Catch the error and attempt to determine its type:

f()->Js.Promise.catch((error: Js.Promise.error) => {
  switch error {
  | exception error => {
      let optError: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Exn.asJsExn(error)
      switch optError {
      | Some(error) => {
      | None => Js.log("Not a Js.Exn.t")
  | _ => Js.log("Not an exn")
}, _)
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This prints:

Not an exn
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  • The ReScript error is converted to type Js.Promise.error, which is not a member of the exn type.
  • The switch case exception error match does not occur, because the error is not an exn type.

Handling ReScript promise rejections using the exn Failure variant.

The Failure(string) variant has an exn type.

Write a function that rejects a promise using a Failure:

let g = (): Js.Promise.t<unit> => {
  Js.Promise.make((~resolve as _, ~reject) => {
    reject(. Failure("An error occurred"))
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Catch the error and attempt to determine its type:

g()->Js.Promise.catch((error: Js.Promise.error) => {
  switch error {
  | exception error => {
      let optError: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Exn.asJsExn(error)
      switch optError {
      | Some(error) => {
      | None => Js.log("Not a Js.Exn.t")
  | _ => Js.log("Not an exn")
}, _)
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This prints:

Not an exn
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  • The Failure error is converted to type Js.Promise.error, which is not a member of the exn type.
  • The switch case exception error match does not occur, because the error is not an exn type.



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