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Discussion on: Portfolio Advice Thread

khangtran profile image
Kael Tran

Thank you Ali, I would love to have any feedback on my portfolio.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

This is super cool and different! I love the stars on the home page, and it's very minimalist, which is good! I like the hamburger nav's animation too. I don't love overriding scrolling. I would prefer a single page I can navigate more easily. I don't think the "I am thinking" is necessary on simple site! I would just feature your stuff in a quicker to navigate way!

khangtran profile image
Kael Tran

Yes I totally agree that the loading phase is overkill. I remember the reason why I did that was I wanted the site to be totally different, kinda accomplished that :)

hurric9000 profile image

1000% agree with the scroll. I couldn't tell what's going on

susickypavel profile image
Pavel Susicky

I have to: "say very nice portfolio!". I always wanted make similar and i'm working on it so i hope it will be at least just a little bit awesome like yours. Well done!

khangtran profile image
Kael Tran • Edited

It actually is the second one so I have a bit of different. If you visit the root url you will see my first portfolio site, the code base is a mess xD

Thread Thread
beau_dev profile image

The animations (easings) are sick!!! (really great) snappy. Very well timed.

I love the palette.

Very very impressive. It's nice & clean. You have a great eye. I'm very impressed with this work. Nice.

One very minor thing...
You may want to get a friendly --or anonymous(?) third eye on the copy of your descriptions.

It never hurts to have a third eye on it to do editing.

Thanks for this. It's inspiring. Well done!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Hi Khang!

The delays and animations make the experience seem very slow to me. "I am thinking" and progress bars and so on seem unnecessary when it's really not a lot of content. If I use the scroll wheel to go down three sections it takes about six seconds because I have to wait each time. Without these delays it'd take about half a second and that definitely affects my opinion of the site's performance.

The thumbnail image of a site you made ("Natours") is over 2000px wide but you're using the browser to scale it to under 500px wide. That looks like a waste of bandwidth to me (nearly a megabyte), and I definitely noticed the image progressively loading, which adds to the overall slow feeling. Maybe you could preprocess it in the site's build stage to get that down to something more like 50Kb.

You're inconsistent in your language - for example, on the same "Natours" page you use both "css" and "CSS" in the same line. There are a few places where the sentence structure is incorrect such as "WHAT I CAPABLE OF" instead of "WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF", but that's nothing that getting a friend to proofread wouldn't fix. It's often really hard to notice mistakes in things you've written yourself.

I find the animations distracting and inconsistent: why does clicking the hamburger animate the background out to a menu but not back in when you close it?

I can use the scroll wheel to change pages, but it's not clear where I am on the page, whether there's a page before or after the current one, or whether there's content on the page I can't see because I can't scroll to it - if my browser is not tall enough I can't read beyond the top of any page. I have just noticed an animated arrow in the bottom right, but if I click it, nothing happens. I guess it's there to signify that I can use my scroll wheel, but it's not obvious.

I assumed the this was a single-page site where the hamburger menu took you to different lanes, but the names of the pages in the menu don't match up with the headings of the actual lanes. This makes me confused and if I use the menu to navigate and try to click on the current page (I don't know if it's the current page because of the name difference) it simply does nothing.

The whole site is inaccessible by keyboard: I can't change pages with arrow keys or page-up and -down, I can only tab between a few of the elements...

The page doesn't work without javascript enabled and thus there may be problems with SEO - I'm guessing SEO is important to you on a portfolio site! It looks like it's React, right, so maybe you could use next to help with that?

khangtran profile image
Kael Tran

Wow thanks so much for such a detail feedback. I kinda noticed some of those issues but have not got time to come back. Again, thanks so much for pointing out my mistakes, that helps me a lot.