DEV Community

Discussion on: fs.writeSync

khokon profile image
Khokon M.

React is a client side application, and client side application can't access file system.

radhe65gupta profile image
Radheshyam Gupta

Please,can you help me regarding this?,

emmiep profile image
Emmie Päivärinta

What exactly do you want to accomplish?

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radhe65gupta profile image
Radheshyam Gupta

i want to create react app and i use fs.writeSync

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emmiep profile image
Emmie Päivärinta

Yes, but what kind of file do you want to write, and why? Maybe writeSync isn't the solution.

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radhe65gupta profile image
Radheshyam Gupta

i want to save data in the form of json file in local

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emmiep profile image
Emmie Päivärinta

Ok. Like @khokon said, for that you'd need a server. Do you already run your React app on a local server?
Personally, I usually go for something like Next.js instead, which lets you use serverless API functions, it makes it very easy to add some nodejs "glue code" to a react project.
Storing files might not be a great fit for that, if it's possible I would recommend saving your JSON data on a server instead. It's very easy to get started with for instance Redis with a library like node-redis or ioredis in Next.js, and with a service like Upstash you can do that for free.
There are more solutions for databases specifically targeting serverless available for free or very cheap, like MongoDB or CockroachDB.
I suggest you take a look at some databases first, in the end it might be a lot easier to deploy. I hope this helped!

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radhe65gupta profile image
Radheshyam Gupta

thanks Emmie Paivarinta

khokon profile image
Khokon M.

You need to have a backend running using nodejs. Only then you can use the function

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radhe65gupta profile image
Radheshyam Gupta

can u share any reference?

radhe65gupta profile image
Radheshyam Gupta
