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Chukwuka Samson
Chukwuka Samson

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How to Set Up an Ubuntu EC2 Instance on AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leading cloud computing platform Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a variety of services to assist people and organizations in creating, deploying, and managing cloud-based applications. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), one of the main services offered by AWS, enables customers to construct and manage virtual computers, also known as instances, in a scalable and flexible manner.

For your Ubuntu-based projects, you can take advantage of the strength and adaptability of the cloud by setting up an Ubuntu EC2 instance on Amazon Web Services (AWS). We will walk through the process of setting up an Ubuntu EC2 instance on AWS in this step-by-step tutorial.
Let's start now!

Step 1: Log in to AWS
Start by going to and logging into your AWS account to view the AWS Management Console. Create a free-tier account or select an appropriate plan to get started if you are new to AWS.

Step 2. Access the EC2 Dashboard
You'll be taken to the AWS Management Console after logging in. To access the EC2 Dashboard, look for "EC2" under "Compute" and click on it.

Step 3: Launch an instance
To start creating an instance, click the "Launch Instance" button in the EC2 Dashboard.

Step 4: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
You can choose from a list of available AMIs on the "Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)" page. The Ubuntu version you want to use can be found under the "Ubuntu" tab. The most recent release or Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS are popular options. To proceed, use the "Select" button.

Step 5: Choose an instance type
You must now select the instance type that best meets your needs. The t2.micro instance type, which is included in the AWS Free Tier and provides adequate resources for fundamental activities, is a great place to start for the majority of newcomers. Click "Next" after choosing the instance type you want to use.

Step 6: Configure Instance Details
You can alter several instance settings on the "Configure Instance" page. You can define network parameters, the number of instances you wish to deploy, and other things. The majority of parameters can be left at their default settings for an easy setup. To continue, click "Next".

Step 7: Add storage
You can specify the quantity and kind of storage for your instance in the "Add Storage" section. AWS configures an Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume as the instance's root volume by default. If necessary, you can change the size or include more volumes. After setting up the storage settings, select "Next."

Step 8: Add Tags (Optional)
You can, at your discretion, add tags to your instance to aid in resource categorization and identification. Tags are key-value pairs that let you group your instances according to various standards. Although not required, this step can aid in better resource management. To continue, click "Next".

Step 9: Configure the Security Group
You must provide the rules that govern inbound and outgoing traffic to your instance in the "Configure Security Group" section. You should, at the very least, permit remote connections to your instance using SSH (port 22). Depending on the services your application wants, you can additionally open more ports. After making any necessary adjustments, click "Review and Launch."

Step 10: Examine Launch Instance
Review your instance's configuration information on the "Review Instance Launch" page. Make sure all the settings are correct by double-checking them. If everything appears to be in order, select "Launch."

Step 11: Create a key pair
You can securely connect to your instance using SSH by using a key pair, which consists of a public and a private key. You have two choices in the "Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair" dialog box:

a. If you already have a generated key pair, select it.
b. To create a new key pair, name it and click "Download Key Pair." You'll need the.pem file to access the instance, so save it somewhere safe.

Step 12: Launch the instance
Click "Launch Instances" to begin the creation of your Ubuntu EC2 instance after choosing or creating the key pair.

Step 13: Access the instance
You can connect to the instance via SSH once it has started running (this could take a few minutes). On your local computer, launch a terminal or command prompt and go to the directory where you saved the.pem key file. To connect, use the following command:

ssh -i /path/to/your/key.pem ubuntu@<public-ip-address>

"/path/to/your/key.pem" should be changed to the real path to your key file, and "" should be changed to your EC2 instance's public IP address. The EC2 Dashboard contains the public IP address.

I'm done now! Creating an Ubuntu EC2 instance on AWS was successful. You've established the groundwork for deploying and administering your Ubuntu-based projects in the cloud by following this step-by-step manual. You may now begin investigating the limitless opportunities and utilizing the flexibility and scalability provided by AWS. Cloud computing success!

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