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Developer diary #20. My favorite podcasts. 

I like to listen podcast, especially about development.  This format is more focused on translation of ideas, thoughts, opinions. I think, it is not suitable for some fun content, it is more about smart. I didn't listen many different podcasts, but I want to share that I like. 

On first place, I put "Fragmented". It produced by Donn Felker and Kaushik Gopal. I listen it from time when I started career of android developer. In most of the episodes, they in conversation format discuss different aspects of android development, and share they experience. I like the serieses when they explained particular chapters from book Effective Java by Joshua Bloch with focus on mobile development. Unfortunately, last episode was almost one year ago, and I don't sure that guys will be continued it, but I want to believe in it. 

Fragmented podcast cover

Next, my favorite podcast about android development is "Android developers backstage". It is host by several developers from Android team at Google. Regularly, they discuss actual topics of android development, best practices and latest news. Sometimes, they invite developers from other teams to deeply understand the topic. I like the voices of speakers, they are very remembered. I have a very strange feeling, when I listened live presentation Chet Haase on KotlinConf 2024, It was like meet an old friend.

Android developers backstage podcast cover

The last podcast, that I started to listen several weeks ago, is "FreeCodeCamp Podcast" with Quincy Larsson. It is not about coding, it is more about people in this sphere, how they reached a current position. Podcast, in general, focuses on education, teaching, mentoring and sharing of knowledge. I like it, because it about people, dreams and reaching of it. It inspires and motivate me.

FreeCodeCamp Podcast cover

There are my top three podcasts. I listen them not only to get some information, I listen it to practice my listening English skills and to make English environment around me.

You can find me in X, GitHub, medium or LinkedIn. Thanks for your time and see you in next post.

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