DEV Community

Discussion on: Biggest aha moment

kip13 profile image

How much time did you need to work naturally with TDD ? Any advice for newbies ?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It took me quite a long time and I still don't TDD all the time to say the least. But I think it depends on your personality/coding style. It took me years, but along the way I learned that TDD was way less common than most people imply, and its use actually pretty rare.

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kip13 profile image
kip • Edited

Interesting, I'm always see and hear that devs(seniors maybe ?) says "TDD has a lot of benefits, you need to use". Thanks Ben.

pwaivers profile image
Patrick Waivers

"Uncle" Bob Martin has a great powerpoint on learning TDD: For any new language or test framework, he solves the Bowling Game coding kata. Following his examples helped me understand TDD better.