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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

I'm not as well acquainted with assembly as I would like yet, but here's my first thought: are you absolutely certain of the size (in byes) of memory addresses on your machine? This looks like you're blowing past the end of program memory.

klapauciusisgreat profile image

Yes, I'm sure. However, I made some progress:

in the original 32 bit code, I had an instruction like:

        mov $cold_start,%esi    // Initialise interpreter.      

that would work on macos (32 bit)

I found a 64 bit port somewhere that was instead using

    mov $cold_start,%rsi    // Initialise interpreter.

which is what I expected, but the apple clang assembler does not like this syntax because in 64 bit mode I have to use position independent addressing modes.

So I tried

mov cold_start(%rip),%rsi       // Initialise interpreter.  

but it seems that derefences cold_start instead of just putting the address in. Using $cold_start(%rip) gives errors.

I guess I just don't understand the apple assembler syntax esp for 64 bit code. Looking ...