Setting up ESlint and Prettier is tedious for beginners, I know this because I have faced this issue too. You will find many articles about setting up the linting on the internet. Some of them will work for you, some will not but most of them will be outdated because of the continuous growing of the library.
So, instead of picking our brain too much, we should try to understand few things.
What is ESLint?
ESLint statically analyses our code and find the problems. It is present in most of the editors.ESLint fixes are syntax-aware so you won't experience errors introduced by traditional find-and-replace algorithms.
Write your own rules that work alongside ESLint's built-in rules. You can customise ESLint to work exactly the way you need it for your project.
What is Prettier?
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter which is compatible with most of the languages. It saves a lot of time. It quickly indents our code on save (depends on VSCode/editor settings).
How to make them work together?
ESLint has also formatting rules which could conflict with prettier. So we should configure it carefully (sounds tough but it is very simple 😅)
Let's begin
Step 1 : -
npm install eslint --save-dev
yarn add eslint --dev
Step 2 : -
Create .eslintrc.json
by running
npx eslint --init
yarn run eslint --init
Step 3 : -
In React - 17.0.0
, importing react to a file is optional,
To fix this, we will add a rule to our .eslintrc
file. So open your .eslintrc
file and add this line "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off" inside the rules.
"rules": {
"react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off"
Step 4 : -
If you are using jest
then you will find that eslint
is giving us an error that test or expect is not defined . To fix this we need to add "jest": true inside env.
"env": {
"browser": true,
"es2021": true,
"jest": true
Step 5 : -
Now, add esling plugins to make it work with react, and make proper configuration for eslint and prettier so that they don't collide with each other
npm install eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier prettier --save-dev
yarn add eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier prettier --dev
Please check each of their git repositories.
eslint-config-prettier - Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
eslint-plugin-prettier - Runs Prettier as an ESLint rule
After installing above, make changes to .eslintrc
"extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:react/recommended", "plugin:prettier/recommended"]
We can run prettier separately but we want eslint
to run it for us so that it does not conflict with the eslint
Step 6: -
Create .prettierrc
and paste the below code
"semi": true,
"tabWidth": 2,
"printWidth": 100,
"singleQuote": true,
"trailingComma": "none",
"jsxBracketSameLine": true
Now, eslint and prettier is setup lets add the script to the package.json
"lint": "eslint .",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix",
"format": "prettier --write './**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,css,md,json}' --config ./.prettierrc"
This should work but before you test it, it is better to restart your VSCode.
You are all setup to write your awesome code.
Thanks for dropping by 🌟
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Top comments (21)
Thanks for the good manual!
Could you clarify, please, what is the real profit of using prettier? What prettier does that eslint does not. I'm using eslint without prettier connected for a long time and it covers all our formatting needs. I see the notice, that prettier is optional. So is it really worth it to install one more additional package?
⭐️ This is a very good question. I know the answer for it and I am writing one small article on this and I will post the link once done. Thanks for dropping by.
Thanks for sharing! It was really helpful. Just a little annotation...
I followed all the steps but they keep colliding with some things, to fix that I had to add 'prettier' in the extends array in the .eslintrc file in the last position, like this:
Short and simple. Thank you for sharing!
How do I run it then? I tried npm lint or npm format but nothing works
I always return to this tutorial, great work :D
Support me by following me on twitter ⭐️
Thank you!
lint:fix script is missing "." after "eslint"
Please update
links.And THANKSSS.. Amazing help.
Wow ! Nice job. Thank for sharing !!
Wow, this is help me a lot, Thanks dude.
Really nice... Thanks for sharing..
Simple and incredible. Thanks
Everytime I create a React or Next.js app, i come to this article to help install and setup eslint with prettier. This is a valuable resource! Thank you so much for making it :)
Thanks man, it was really useful.
Awesome, awesome guide! Great overview, easy to follow, and gives us all a great starting point, whether it's our first linting project, or our 30th (but we wanted a good reference).
Thank you!