DEV Community

Discussion on: When and how do you make time to learn?

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Steffen Frosch

I commute everyday to work. I use that time to read blog posts, technical articles and the like. That makes me aware of topics which may deserve to be looked further into. Fortunately i work at a place where technology is constantly thrown at me, so some of my learning can happen at the Job.

But the majority happens on saturdays. That's often the day where i Invest 2-4 hours in learning new stuff. But not every week. There was a time where i used to suck in every bit of info i could get my eyes on.

Took me a while to realize there is a life outside /home. It aint worth to neglect friends, family or even yourself for some sand which happens to have electricity flowing through it.

To invest you got to have some capital. Sadly there is no VC funding for time yet.