DEV Community

Karl Castillo
Karl Castillo

Posted on

CSS: Unit of Measurements

Pixel (px)

Represents a dot on the screen. 1px = 1 dot


Represents a calculated value based on the container's font size where 1em equals 100% of the font size. If the container has no specified font size, the inherited font size will be used.


Represents a calculated value based on the root element's font size where 1rem equals 100% of the font size. The root is usually the html element. The :root pseudo element could also be used.


Represents a calculated value based on the height of the viewport where 1vh equals 1% of the viewport height.


Represents a calculated value based on the width of the viewport where 1vw equals 1% of the viewport width.


Represents a calculate value based on the smaller value between the viewport's height and width where 1vmin equals 1% of the smaller value.


Represents a calculate value based on the bigger value between the viewport's height and width where 1vmin equals 1% of the smaller value.

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