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Discussion on: Dealing with side effects and pure functions in javascript

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk

Great article 👍

What do you think if we got "pure" function declarations in JS?
Something like:

let add = a -> b -> a + b;
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Declaring that would restrict it to be:

  1. side-effect free:
    • no mutations, only declarations
    • no external calls
    • allowed to use only closure of wrapping pure functions
    • allow only immutable values as arguments (runtime error otherwise)
  2. curried:
    • one can call it either via add (1) (2) or add (1, 2)

Which would allow all the pure-fn optimizations (at least parallel array map/filter, maybe SIMD, maybe "safe" tail call optimization). Who knows.

P.S. I'm no expert in functional programming or lambda calc, so I'm not certain what this brings and if it's beneficial at all.

And I'm sure someone smarter than me in the community already raised this question somewhere, though I couldn't find it quickly.

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

I'd be happy to use it. It would be great because if one could mark a function as pure it would make it easier to isolate side effects to one part of the codebase, or at the very least keep a critical portion pure. I don't know to what extend javascript runtimes could benefit from something like that.

Nim (a programming language) has something like that. They have a way to indicate that a function should have no side effect: link. And in this hacker news thread (which I didn't read) people talk about that feature.

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk • Edited

Nim is quite interesting, I haven't had a chance to dig deep into it yet. I'll check it out, thanks!

isolate side effects to one part of the codebase

Yeah! I think this is one of the big tricks we use for reasoning and composing our code: we move things to the edge. We separate "model" from "view", DB access from business logic, etc. To me pure function composition seems to be the essence of this approach.

I don't know to what extend javascript runtimes could benefit from something like that.

Alas, neither do I. In my uneducated view, engines could optimize -> code easier. Array methods run in parallel is something long-promised but not yet possible. Also maybe we could get automatic memoization of pure functions with garbage-collected caches.

Maybe JS libs could also do some optimizations if we had a method to distinguish pure from impure functions (isPureFunction or isImmutable && isFunction).

I think to test the idea we could imitate pure functions client-side a-la:

let PURE_SYMBOL = Symbol();

export function purify(fn) {
  fn = Function('a', 'return (' + fn.toString() + ')(a)'); // naive eradication of possible closure captures
  let result =
    x => isImmutable(x)
      ? fn(x)
      : throw 'Pure functions can be called only w/ immutable args';
  result[PURE_SYMBOL] = true;
  return Object.freeze(result);

export function isPure(fn) {
  return PURE_SYMBOL in fn;
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It's at least interesting to fantasize about it 🙂

P.S: someone shared with me a link to TS discussion on a related subject "add a modifier for pure functions" (haven't read it yet)