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Discussion on: Show off your Terminal Setup 👩🏻‍💻💯

kozmicluis profile image
Luis Lopez


Terminal app: Gnome Shell (sometimes I use Kitty for font ligatures)
Terminal font and theme: Solarized dark with Jetbrains Mono (I use Pragmata Pro in Kitty and VSCode)
Terminal emulator: zsh + Oh my zsh (and the powerline-ish theme)

  • Favourite neovim themes: cake, alduin, gruvbox (current), NeoSolarized
  • Neovim notable plugins: vimux, nerdtree, ctrlp, coc, vimtex, airline, golden-ratio, tagbar, conjure, fugitive, gitgutter, devicons.
  • I'm using tmux with the default theme and using vimux to improve my IDE-like experience within neovim.
sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Terminal + IDE setup. 🤯🚀✨

huaiyu profile image

My gnome-terminal font ligatures has no effect, but other editors, such as gedit and goland, support font ligatures. How did you do it? My current system is popos22.04