Hello Everyone, welcome to my first article on dev.to and I am writing on CSS GRADIENTS.
Gradients are one color that fades into another. This color can fade into another in different directions, example: top, bottom, left, right, diagonal e.t.c. This effect can be accomplished by using CSS GRADIENTS.
According to W3 schools, CSS defines two types of gradients:
- Linear Gradients
- Radical Gradients
Linear Gradients (goes down/up/left/right/diagonally)
The easiest way to understand this concept is that the Linear Gradient function transitions two or more colors along a straight line hence the name linear.
In creating linear gradients, at least two colors should be specified for it to work and the selector is background-image.
background-image: linear-gradient(direction, color1, color2, ...);
I will use some examples for better understanding:
Example 1
Direction - Top to Bottom (this is default).
I will start by creating a div in my index.html and put a content inside because the
Direction - Left to Right
Direction - Diagonal:
You can make a gradient diagonally by specifying both the horizontal and vertical starting positions.
This is where I will stop for linear gradients. I will like to know your comment about the article and if it was helpful. My next post will be on radical gradients.
Thank you.
Top comments (14)
Awesome article. Very explanatory and precise.🙌🏾
Thank you 😊
Nice article
Thank you 😊
Nice one baby girl. I'm proud of you
Awesome article. I'm looking forward to your next Article. 💪
Thank you, jimi
Nice article Kpeale.
Helped me refresh my knowledge about CSS gradients.👌
Thank you so much, Victor
Thank you so much for your contribution! I will definitely do that!
in the title pucture, it seems the collor flows in many directions, can you also show how that is done?
Great read