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Kristian Pedersen
Kristian Pedersen

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#30daysofelm Day 24: msg vs. Msg

This is day 24 of my 30 day Elm challenge

My original intention was to work further on yesterday's UI, but I kept getting weird errors about Msg and msg and weird type annotations.

Today's project is just me finally trying to get my head around Msg and msg.

Table of contents

1. msg vs Msg (you can choose your own names, too)

I've seen msg and Msg all over the place, and I've always thought this ambiguous convention was really confusing and annoying as a beginner.

You can of course name these whatever you want. I took's clock example and mofified it, by changing Msg to MsgForYouMyDude and Svg msg to Svg abc. In the update function, I changed msg model to massage supermodel:

However, I see these exact names everywhere, so I think it's probably a good idea to just learn them, so what's going on?

Rupert's example made me get a feel for it:

view : Html msg
view = div [] []
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


type Msg = Click

view : Html Msg
view = div [ onClick Click ] []
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The first one (msg) has no event. It could if it wanted to, but it's too busy vaping, watching documentaries about ancient civilizations and UFOs, and listening to 432 Hz music.

The last one (Msg) deals with an important message that I've defined, which will get sent to the update function.

1.1. Msg vs Msg Float, Msg String, etc.

The simplest one to understand for me is Msg. The one with the capital letter is the one you make yourself. This describes different messages that can be picked up by your update function.

type Msg
    = NewBoardSize Float
    | NewAnimationSpeed Float
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now how do we get the Float value?

My current understanding is that this is how you deal with continuous events in Elm:

  • Continuous events, like input: Get MyMessage (uppercase) and a value of a certain type. Input events return a string ( in JavaScript terms).
  • Momentary events, like click: Something happened. No value required.

You can however have extra values along with your click events as well, Joel told me.

1.2. Float -> Msg

I hadn't seen this before that I could remember, but I was getting an error about how my slider was receiving an Msg instead of a Float -> Msg.

Normally, I think this would have been caught by Elm's type inference, but my slider attribute type annotation was causing problems.

joelq was kind enough to help me out on Slack:

To be fair, I could have found it right there in the elm-ui slider documentation. :)

The only two changes were as follows:

  1. SliderAttribute's message field was changed from message : Msg to message: Float -> Msg
  2. The createSlider function was changed from createSlider : Model -> SliderAttributes -> Element msg to createSlider : Model -> SliderAttributes -> Element Msg

The compiler highlights the last error pretty well, but even after reading up on this subject and getting help, my brain just sees Msg and msg and thinks they're the same thing.

1.3. msg is just a placeholder

My conclusion is that msg can basically just be anything. So why isn't the convention just a, value, yourTypeHere or something similar? I don't know.

Again, here's from Joel in the thread I linked to above:

While the lowercase msg variable name has good intentions of communicating “the type that would go here fills the role of a message (definition 1)”, my experience is that many people read it as “the type that would go here is going to be a Msg (definition 2)”.

Personally, I’ve started using Html a in my own code rather than Html msg to avoid this confusion

2. Summary

I realize Msg and msg have pretty much become standards in Elm, and you will see them in most Elm code, so I don't know if it's a good idea to change at this stage.

As a beginner, it would have been helpful to have a separate Msg vs. msg section in the guide.

By the way, you also have things like this:

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model = ...
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here, msg is a reference to Msg, but it's just a local variable name, so it could have been a reference to any type. It's not a msg like Html msg, but I guess it would refer to the Msg in Html Msg?

See you tomorrow! :D

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