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Selenium and its purpose of automation

Selenium is the most efficient widely used open source platform to test web applications across various browsers.

Selenium automate the software testing using its components
Web driver, IDE, Grid.

Web driver - It test websites correctly, will perform the task as per use requirement and make sure the functionalities are working properly, it basically takes you to where you want to be in the application.

IDE - It record and replay the automation when necessary, whenever we need to repeat the same steps, IDE will help on that.

GRID - It allows to run your test scripts at multiple web browser either remotely (or) on your own system browser which increases efficiency.

*Purpose of its automation : *

Selenium make easy by automating the test cases by writing test scripts and run it whenever necessary.

Automation will save time, effort and reduce errors, improves efficiency.

  • Selenium works across different web browser like firefox, chrome, etc..

  • Selenium is platform independent, which runs on different operating systems like linux, unix, windows, mac os.

  • Selenium supports different languages like c, c++, c#, java, javascript, python, etc..

  • Selenium is flexible enough which can connect to different tools like Jenkins, Git, Appium.

  • Selenium support to maintain CICD pipeline, which will perform with continuous integration and continuous developement.

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