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Dan Newton
Dan Newton

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To comment or not to comment?

I recently had a quick look at the first blog post I ever wrote, Should you write comments?. This triggered me to question whether I still take the same stance around comments that I did when I wrote the post (over two years ago now).

I am not 100% sure where I stand now. I still think that pretty much everything I wrote is what I do nowadays. But, I think there are a few more situations now where I am willing to use comments.

While I spend a bit more time thinking about this myself, I think it is worth seeing what you all believe when it comes to writing comments. Maybe then, I can better collate my thoughts and possibly write a follow-up post that documents what I do now and what caused me to change my opinion.

So, should you write comments?

If so:

  • When do you write them?
  • What do put in them?
  • Where do you put them?
  • Do you think you can write too many comments?
  • Are there times/projects where comments are more important?

And if not:

  • Why not?
  • What do you do instead?
  • Are there times where you have been tempted to write comments

Latest comments (25)

timothymcgrath profile image
Timothy McGrath

I have coworkers who would comment every property as if it were a rule to do it. It would be a property named CustomerId, and the comment would say "Returns the Id of the Customer." AHHH!

lankydandev profile image
Dan Newton

I feel you! 😄

gilblinov profile image
Gil Blinov

Something that wasn't brought up here is writing comments after code has been written and in production.

I'm talking about the need to revisit code due to bugs, refactoring or when the code you're writing now needs to use it.

In these cases, when you don't immediately understand the code and need some mental gymnastics to grok it, instead of writing notes to yourself - do so in comments.

My personal recommendation is to use markdown in a code block to go through the thought process. In some cases I even added flowcharts or sequences using mermaid.js

Usually, this is also a good indication that the code needs to be refactored. Until it happens, your comments will help you or someone else who will need to revisit this code in the future.

rendall profile image

Any hard rule about this will slip quickly from "helpful convention" to "torturous ideology".

Use comments to explain why a piece of code is doing what it's doing. Or to help organize thoughts. Or to document public methods for tooltips. And do it consistently, unless that doesn't fit, then do something else.

But heaven's sake, please do inject jokes and humor into your comments. I distrust teams that are against this.

lankydandev profile image
Dan Newton

I misread the last paragraph the first time I read that which gave me a completely different impression of you 😄

xtofl profile image

Can you reverse the question: when do you read comments?

Well, I read comments after I used an API and it became clear that it doesn't behave the way I expect it to based on the 'common sense' interpretation of the API.

danielhutchinson profile image
Daniel Hutchinson

I use them as a design tool.

I tend to only write comments when designing, it's my way of thinking out loud. Stating what I want to achieve before writing any code. I then replace these comments with the actual implementation.

A trick I learned from another Dev at my day job is to write comments at the top of my classes to explain what they do, if I put the word "and" in there then I know the class probably does too much. Then I delete the comment (or sometimes just do this in my head)

lankydandev profile image
Dan Newton

I comment code to note down what I want to do as well. The problem I used to have was deleting these comments before committing :(

devit951 profile image

Before writing any comments I ask myself: "Is comment answer this question: 'Why?' ". If so I will write a comment.

xlebenny profile image
Benny Leung • Edited

I love function name / variable name like a comment,

It can easily to read like a flowchart,
And comments

public static Coffee CreateCoffee(
CoffeeTypeEnum coffeeType)
    var coffee = new Coffee();
    var shouldAddMilk = IsNeedMilk(coffeeType);

    if (shouldAddMilk)


    return coffee;

But if you have any technical issue / temporary fix / some business walk around
It should be write a command, create some tickets and fix it

private bool IsNeedMilk(CoffeeTypeEnum coffeeType)
    // FIXME #123 MilkFoam shouldn't is a type of Coffee
    if (coffeeType == CoffeeTypeEnum.MilkFoam)
        return true;

    var result = MilkCoffeeTypes.Contains(coffeeType);
    return result;
lucasqueiroz profile image
Lucas Queiroz

I use comments only when working in a project that requires third party integrations, as they might not have the best clean code practices (mainly because the third party tools are outdated).
When working in projects where there is no integration or the third party software is new or easier to use, I usually don't write comments, but always create a good Readme and a Wiki with most of the business logic

appeltel profile image
Eric Appelt

I write docstrings.

I learned to use docstrings in python and naturally use them because I work mostly in python currently. But if I reverted back to C++ or another language that has no built in support for docstrings, I would still try to write "comments" formatted like a docstring. A docstring is a bit of definitive and explanatory text that accompanies the declaration of a function or other object. Quoting python standard PEP-257:

The docstring for a function or method should summarize its behavior and document its arguments, return value(s), side effects, exceptions raised, and restrictions on when it can be called (all if applicable). Optional arguments should be indicated. It should be documented whether keyword arguments are part of the interface.

The docstring for a class should summarize its behavior and list the public methods and instance variables. If the class is intended to be subclassed, and has an additional interface for subclasses, this interface should be listed separately (in the docstring). The class constructor should be documented in the docstring for its init method. Individual methods should be documented by their own docstring.

Every "public" class, function, or method gets a docstring that conforms to the above.

I've heard in many places that the name and call signature of a function should be self-explanatory of how to use it, and the code should be self explanatory as to what it does. But if you think about it, this is an extremely tall order in most cases, especially when code is written under a deadline.

One of the major benefits of factoring code out into small functions (ideally without side-effects) is that the developer doesn't have to handle the cognitive load of what all of the application code does all at once. So even if code can be reasonably described as being self-explanatory, in the absence of docstrings or comments the developer still has to read and understand how the function does what it does when all they really needed was to know what it does. This is a distraction from the developer's task at hand - writing the calling function and understanding it's internal state.

Additionally, following a common format for docstrings on all functions opens the door to automating the generation of API documentation. This is particularly useful as it is much easier to ensure that documentation of the API is up to date when it is right in front of you whenever making a change to a function or method.

As far as actual non-docstring comments, I rarely write any and they usually describe the why behind something that came up in some subtle edge case, just to make sure any further modification takes note of the special problem, i.e. "# We need to detach foo before linking quux in cases of network congestion, see ticket 38745".

agoldis profile image
Andrew Goldis

Glad you asked, a while ago I have written about comments “How to document source code responsibly” by Andrew Goldis 😀

ashrafsada profile image
AshrafSada • Edited

My personal rule is add comment if you have value to add to the code user, assuming you are documenting your main code properly by illustration on functionality and parametric dimensions of each code unit.

Too many comments is bad and confusing, may lead to negative effects.

TODOS should be aligned and self explained.

erelguitars profile image

Ideally only the public methods should have a method comment. Private methods may have a method comment and only use inline-comments if really not understandable. All the rest is about proper naming of Classes/Methods/Properties/Variables, separations of concerns and methods as short as possible (they should do one thing only). But thats the ideal case of code...

desi profile image

I think comments are important to provide context to others - maybe it’s not necessary to document why you made every choice, but maybe something specific is a best practice in your company and it might be nice to note that in the code.

I comment heavily right now so I can remember what things do and why I wouldn’t do it this other, often longer way I might think to do them!

lankydandev profile image
Dan Newton

Follows the lines others are saying, that they show explain why / provide context as you've written.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Write as few comments as possible. The code should be readable on its own. Use good symbol names and structures.

Reserve comments for things that are not expressed in code well, and keep them minimal. Unlike code, there is nothing checking that comments are correct, thus tend to get stale. Thus focus on information that won't likely get stale.

dbanty profile image
Dylan Anthony

I find that comments are more useful for explaining why rather than how or what. Your code should be readable enough for people to know what it’s doing, but sometimes the reason isn’t obvious.

Like if you’re working around a limitation of a library you’re using. Or you’re working around some old code (technical debt) that you can’t refactor now. Yes I know ideally you’ll immediately fix all the problems in a codebase instead of working around them, but that’s not always realistic. So sometimes you need comments to make the code make sense.

lankydandev profile image
Dan Newton

100% agree with that. I think that is the happy medium. Most of the time you don't need, since your code explains it. But for those times where it isn't enough, the comments back it up.