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Discussion on: How I got a full-stack internship as a beginner.

learndeepak profile image

It was an amazing read.
I am on the same path and I must say that your post has strengthen my belief.
But I want some questions::
Q1. Did you prepare for DataStructures And Algo also.
Q.2 Could you please tell the type of questions they asked(I know telling exact question is not possible , but just tell main main part or topics).

It was a delightful reading.

Keep Writing.👍

sumukhesh profile image

Thanks Deepak. Its always good to know someone,somewhere is exactly traveling in the path that we do. Keep hustling man !!
Coming to the questions:

  1. I had a basic understanding of algorithms and data structures, as i was CS grad student. I was by no means expert in them nor have i implemented them somewhere. I believe if you starting just as a beginner, algos and data structures wont impact alot in your interviews (ofcourse its important for the companies like google and facebook). Most of the companies look at what you created and implemented prominently. The side projects matter the most. Companies want to hire someone who can contribute to their existing projects successfully and your prowess over a language is important than algorithms / data structures.
  2. In my 1st round of interview I was given 3 basic programming problems and was allowed to choose any language of my choice. In the 2nd round they increased the difficulty of the problems given in round 1. In the final round they asked me to present my project to them and talk about the technologies i have learnt and used. Different companies have different hiring processes but if you are confident of the language or the framework you learnt, that's what matters them the most. I hope i answered your questions in the right way.
learndeepak profile image

Thanks a lot for replying and clearing out my doubts.