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Leela Khadka
Leela Khadka

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My Flatiron Journey

My name is Leela Khadka and I am currently a Phase-4 student in Flatiron coding Bootcamp.

How did I end here?
I was a pharmacy student. After four semester I took a break and after some time I was thinking of going back to school, but again I wasn't hundred percent sure about continuing as a pharmacy student so I started looking into other options. At that moment I started a job as a sales associate where they didn’t have IT in person so to set up my account they were were giving me instructions via phone where I got into talking with her about computer science and that helped me realized maybe computer science is something I might be interested so I did little coding in UDemy to see if I was interested and I liked it and I was ready to go to school when I was searching for options I got to know about Boot camps where I was interested in two bootcamps: flatiron and general Assembly. I found out my husband's friend attended flatiron and also he recommended to me and thats how I ended up here.

My feelings in flatiron.
First day itself I was overwhelmed by all the information and I was constantly questing myself if I made a mistake attending Bootcamp especially during first and second week of the phase-1, but seeing other fellow students were feeling the same did made be feel better because I wasn't alone. second week was much easier than first week also it got better end of the second week because I didn't had to worry about passing the code Challenge.
First day of phase-2 I remember thinking oh React is easy, but after that day it was extremely hard for me at the end of week 1 I was ready to switch to Flex because three weeks wasn't enough for me to learn and I was all set to switch but because of some things I didn't and I am so glad. I realized it was impostor syndrome kicking in and as we got into third week definitely everything got better.
I was little prepared for phase-3 but even tho it wasn't clicking easily, but after tons of labs, lectures, and discussion questions it got easier to understand.
First two days it felt like we were just reviewing what we learned in Ruby but once we got into validation especially custom validation it felt like first week of every phase but obviously the more practice I got then it clicked.

Things I regret not doing it
I wish I had spend some time in every languages we would be learning before starting bootcamp so I would't been panicking especially in week 1.

Also I would study whole day of one day of weekend rather than few hours so I wouldn’t have to take so much load in weekdays.

Things I learned
Not only I learned JavaScript, React, Ruby, and Rails but with that I also learn to believe in my-self, to push myself harder, dedication, also to work harder then what I consider working hard.

Top comments (1)

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Merdan Durdyyev

Great journey Leela !
Hope you successfully complete the bootcamp and by the end of it you feel 100% sure that IT & Software was the right option and that you are on the right track!!!