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Discussion on: Becoming a female software engineer (who studied Geography)

leosl profile image
Leonardo Lima

The gender gap in our industry is HUGE and, in order to become a female software engineering, one must overcome other stereotypes that men don't usually face. As Angelika precisely pointed in the article:

So I often hear complaints that a lot of women raise. Two of it might be that they are not good at maths and that they are not smart enough to be an engineer.

I believe this is enough to point out that the gender in an article like this one is relevant.

pboado profile image
Pedro Boado • Edited

I agree there's a lot of gender gap in the industry. But that will be solved with more and more knowledgeable feminine role models in STEM ( and that begins in elementary school) . And not by saying "you know what, hey women, it doesn't matter you're not good at Math, you can still be a software engineer".

I could agree with a "hey, beings, you don't really need to be good at math to do frontend development" , though.

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kinas profile image
Angelika Kinas

Yes sounds great what you propose. But let's think in reality. School sucks. Why is that? Because some teachers suck. I had a great math teacher, that's probably why I loved it and even started studying it for 4 semesters.
But after doing that and now being an engineer. I feel that it is not a basic requirement. The only basic requirement is your self-esteem and willingness to learn.

You cannot expect that anyone has an amazing degree because they went to an amazing school. Not everyone is that lucky in life.

What I am trying to do here is basically being Beyonce. Gender doesn't matter. I just want to share that I am in this field. That I have a voice and that other women can follow me. If they just see articles from men they might be frightened.

That's all I'm saying.
We can talk about quality in a different article. But I did not talk about how you become the best of the best. Let's start somewhere.

Anyways I would be more than happy if you could help building this STEM in schools. Will help everyone.

And you have your opinion and I do have mine and that's ok :)
I'm happy for the feedback.