In tutorial you will learn to publish and consume SOAP based JAXWS webservice using maven
What is Soap
SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol, it's a transport protocol based on XML and HTTP. It sends and receives requests and responses.
What is WSDL
WSDL or Web Services Description Language is an XML notation for describing a web service.
What is JaxWS
JaxWS stands for Java API for XML Web Services. It builds web services and clients that communicate using XML.
What is SoapUI
SoapUI is an API Testing Tool, it is used for RESTful Web Services or HTTP based services as well as SOAP Web Services.
Here is an overview of what we're going to need for this project:
- - A web service
- - A JAXWS server
- - SoapUI for testing purposes
To start create a Maven project :
Add a new java class, let's call it StarwarsCharacter
import lombok.*; | |
import java.util.Date; | |
@Getter | |
@Setter | |
@AllArgsConstructor | |
@NoArgsConstructor | |
public class StarwarsCharacter { | |
private int Id; | |
private String Name; | |
private Date joinDate; | |
} |
Now add another java class and let's call this one StarwarsService.
Within this class declare these 2 methods:
- getStarwarsCharacter(): returns a new StarwarsCharacter
- starwarsCharacterList(): returns a new list of StarwarsCharacters
This class is going to serve as our Webservice endpoint. In order to do that annotate it with the @Webservice annotation. And to expose its 2 methods to web service clients we're going to annotate each of them with the @WebMethod annotation.
But before we can do any of that add this dependency to you POM.XL file:
<!-- -->
Our class should look like this:
import jakarta.jws.WebMethod; | |
import jakarta.jws.WebParam; | |
import jakarta.jws.WebService; | |
import java.util.Date; | |
import java.util.List; | |
//POJO | |
@WebService(serviceName = "StarwarsWS") | |
public class StarwarsService { | |
@WebMethod(operationName = "StarwarsCharacter") | |
public StarwarsCharacter getStarwarsCharacter(@WebParam int id,@WebParam String name){ | |
return new StarwarsCharacter(id,name,new Date()); | |
} | |
@WebMethod(operationName = "StarwarsCharacterList") | |
public List<StarwarsCharacter> starwarsCharacterList(){ | |
return List.of(new StarwarsCharacter(1,"Obi-One",new Date()), | |
new StarwarsCharacter(1,"Anakin",new Date()), | |
new StarwarsCharacter(1,"Padmé",new Date())); | |
} | |
} |
Now let's deploy our webservice
Add a Server class that will publish the webservice endpoint to accept incoming requests using the method publish()
This method takes as arguments: the http server address and an instance of the webservice.
It return an http server that runs on the port passed in the address parameter and it is used to access the webservice passed as the implementor parameter.
public class ServerJWS { | |
public static void main(String[] args) { | |
String address=""; | |
Endpoint.publish(address, new StarwarsService()); | |
System.out.println("Address : "+address); | |
} | |
} |
To access the wsdl :
Testing the webservice
Link to download SoapUI:
Add a new SOAP project as follow
To test the first method make a request and pass it your arguments
The result:
On to the next method, this one doesn't take any arguments:
Consume this SOAP webservice
Create a new project and add the JAX dependency to the POM.XML file
Before we can proceed you need to install this plugin
Now click on the project name and go to help > Actions
Search for Generate Java code from Wsdl
It's going to generate the java classes inside your package
Add a new class that's going to use a middleware to consume your webservice
import proxy.StarwarsService; | |
import proxy.StarwarsWS; | |
public class ClientWS { | |
public static void main(String[] args) { | |
StarwarsService stub= new StarwarsWS().getStarwarsServicePort(); //middleware to communicates with the ws | |
System.out.println(stub.astarwarsCharacter(1,"JARJAR").getName()); | |
} | |
} |
Result is as follows :
Top comments (1)
I follow your complete blog for creating soap api, but i am getting 404 not found on soapUI tool, wsdl file is not generating, I think you missed something related to configuration like something in web.xml? I will be thankful if you check it and provide me solution. Thanks in advance.