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Levi Velázquez
Levi Velázquez

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Exposing localhost server to the internet in one minute

Sometimes, we found a situation due to multiple reasons, where we need to expose our local server to internet, maybe we need to show our website to a client and doesn't have enough time for deploying, others, we need to test it out a webhook from a third service and we don't want to create a new deployment just for testing purpose.

So, let's go for it.


There services that offer you to set up a tunnel between their servers and your local machine. There are several of them, nevertheless, my recommendation is ngrok.

It has a freemium model, it fits the most basic requirements.

How it works

We download and run a program(ngrok), specifying which port is our local server listening to. ngrok will connect to their external cloud service, creating a public endpoint redirecting all the traffic from it to your server. That's it, simple.

Download and setup

  1. Download it from official site
  2. Unzip /path/to/ into any folder
  3. Start an HTTP tunnel in any port you want. Let's do it on 80
$ ./ngrok http 80 # this command should be run from where ngrok was unzipped
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
Web Interface       
Forwarding           -> localhost:80
Forwarding           -> localhost:80

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That's it. We just need to run our web server in port 80 and starting to receive traffic.

If you want to test it out. You may send a request using curl to our public ngrok domain, or just open it in a browser. Additionally, ngrok allows https connections, this is a great feature when we are testing external services needing a secure connection.

Note: remember you need to have your local server running on port 80 (for this example).

$ curl -v
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You can check all requests details using built-in dashboard for ngrok at http://localhost:4040


That's all. For some people, it could look like a trivial task, but for beginners, this is a starting point.

If you like it, spread the word.

Disclosure: This is for testing purpose, if you are handling sensitive data, avoid using this method because all your traffic is going to pass through a third service.

Top comments (16)

gansai9 profile image
Machine Learning Tech Stories

We also have alternatives like: localtunnel (

karmablackshaw profile image

This always returns a prompt when I connect to the API :(

levivm profile image
Levi Velázquez

Oh nice , thx, it looks pretty cool

nikoheikkila profile image
Niko Heikkilä

I've been using ngrok for some time now, and your post made me realize it features a built-in dashboard! Up until now I've fiddled with dockerized RequestBin for capturing webhook data. Thanks for the tip!

damengrandom profile image

Thanks for sharing (^_^) and it works great for react app

levivm profile image
Levi Velázquez

Your welcome :)

rrsr profile image

I have used it in past and it works like a charm. Just a mention 😀

anurbol profile image
Nurbol Alpysbayev

thank you!

levivm profile image
Levi Velázquez

ur welcome :) hope you use it.

cerw profile image
Petr Cervenka

valet share -> ngrok

levivm profile image
Levi Velázquez

I will take a look.

dotnetcrunchh profile image
DotNetCrunch is also a good alternative just if you want to expose your localhost over the internet.

levivm profile image
Levi Velázquez

yep, absolutely.

eldersam profile image
Elder Samuel

Very Good! I've been looking for a tool like this for a long time. In the free version you can make up to 40 connections / requests per minute, which is enough for you to test your application.

ilonahryunova profile image

For me much more convenient method is service Full public IP experience and TCP and UDP protocols.

pcarrier profile image
Pierre Carrier • Edited

Throwing into the mix, entirely free and open source, no install :)

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