DEV Community

Discussion on: What are your thoughts on the whole 10x engineer viral discussion?

lilianaziolek profile image
Lili Z

That Twitter image of 10x developer was completely ridiculous (I think my "favourite" was dark theme. Like, seriously? what kind of measure is that?) - but I welcome the post you linked and overall discussion that some people engaged in.
I do think that a better way of fighting such harmful stereotypes is presenting an alternative - a healthier, sustainable image of what being a great developer truly is. Just saying "10x devs don't exist" is, IMO, not as effective because even very early on in our careers we instinctively feel that we prefer to work with some people than others. If fresh developers come across advice like the one in this Twitter thread, there is a risk they'll buy into it, they'll try to follow the wrong path. I'd much rather they (and all of us) had a clear alternative to aspire to.

I know this post has not come up in context of this discussion, but I loved recent Emma's post with 101 tips - this is what a true 10x dev would be like for me.