DEV Community

Lina Lam
Lina Lam

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How to Automate Your Product Hunt Launch: Lessons from Helicone's Success

Hello dev community! πŸ‘‹ I came across this great article by Helicone AI about automating Product Hunt launches. They recently just received #1 Product of the Day, and thought I'd share the key takeaways:

Why automate?

  • Reach a wider audience efficiently
  • Maintain consistent engagement across time zones
  • Free up time for real-time interaction
  • Drive targeted actions through automated messaging
  • Reduce stress during launch

4 key automation strategies:

  1. Automate early morning user emails

    • Prepare content in advance
    • Use email marketing tools to schedule
    • Segment audience by time zones
  2. Schedule social media content

    • Create a content calendar
    • Use scheduling tools like Typefully
    • Mix text, images, and videos
    • High-performing content: memes, founder updates, challenges, behind-the-scenes
  3. Implement a drip DM campaign

    • Build your LinkedIn network in advance
    • Use LinkedIn Premium for better capabilities
    • Create a simple, clear DM template
    • Consider automation tools (but be aware of ToS)
    • Time campaigns strategically across time zones
  4. The final 10%: manual efforts

    • Create day-of content
    • Engage in comments
    • Leverage personal networks
    • Go the extra mile (e.g., office cookies, virtual launch party)

Pro tips:

  • Don't share direct links to your product page
  • DMing individuals is more effective than general posts
  • Most leads came from LinkedIn, not Product Hunt
  • Consider working with an experienced Product Hunt launcher

Has anyone here launched on Product Hunt? What was your experience like? Any additional tips to share?

For the full article, read here.

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