DEV Community

Discussion on: Remix: Something different

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

This is my first post in a while so but I was really inspired when listening to the dev discuss podcast that I had to learn something new and remix has been on my list for a while

mrkyllers19 profile image

Hello sir, I want to ask, does being a web developer only require HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Are there other languages? please reply sir

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

Hi, when it comes to web development there is the front end (the bit that runs in the browser) and the back end (the bit that runs on the server).

HTML, CSS and JS are a good starting point and can get you quite far. A good understanding of JS is required as a foundation for learning things like React, Vue or even just interacting with APIs.

As for the back end there are a whole host of languages you can use like PHP, Perl, Ruby or even JS (through node).

TypesScript is like JavaScript but has a few variations to make it more strict, it also needs to be compiled before it can run in the browser.

TLDR; HTML, CSS and JS are crucial for front end or full stack development but are the foundation.

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mrkyllers19 profile image

Thank sir 😊