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You are not your code

Chris Dodds on November 17, 2019

You… are not your code. You are not your configs, your documentation, your blog posts, your conference talks, or your job. You. Are. Not. Your. Wo...
groghall profile image
Stephen Gault

This is so well said, I have felt the same for a while and only just starting to come to terms iwth internalizing work and being myself

jackmarchant profile image
Jack Marchant

This is such a hard balance to strike, especially when you think about the other way around where you want to take pride in your work - making you feel good about yourself. Trying to redirect negativity into positivity is very hard to do but worth it in the end!

kristijanfistrek profile image

This is so important.

nkhertz profile image
Nikolai Kumanov

This is a really strong message I can 100% get behind. Absolutely awesomely worded.

iceorfiresite profile image
Ice or Fire

You're right Chris. Work should only be a part of our lives and not define us. Everyone has off days where our work might not be our best but we are not lesser people because of it.

jdkoeppen profile image

Dude, get out of my head. As a person who's spent a good 20 years struggling with the separation of "work" from "self", this post comes at just the right time. Thank you.

liquid_chickens profile image
Chris Dodds

Keep on keepin' on. :D