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Discussion on: Help with designing a CMS

listnux profile image
ListNUX • Edited

It much depends on what exactly you want to do. You can build a simple blogging engine with Flask and Flask-FlatPages, that takes posts in Markdown and generates the HTML. You can generate static pages with Frozen-Flask.

And then you can add as much complexity as you want. If you want a CRUD app, for login, comments, etc, you can use raw SQL, or SQLAlchemy.

I suggest you have a look here:, it's a very thorough step-by-step guide that builds a simple blogging engine with Flask. It can give you ideas on how to plan out your CMS, as well. Hope it helps.

justinhtdang profile image
Justin Dang

Hey thanks for the advice! I'll definitely checkout Miguel blog.

listnux profile image

Good luck. I have a few sites running with Flask and Frozen-Flask as a static generator, please feel free to ask if there is anything I can help with.

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justinhtdang profile image
Justin Dang

Thanks for the offer! I'll definitely let you know :)