DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v88

lmiller2000 profile image
Larry Miller laughing..
I am a fake. Im no DEV...but I hope to play one on TV..or my imagination one day!
I use github to star repos i use alot like oh my zsh or different dotfiles. I have been a PC nerd since AOL was how we connected to the WWW.
I was part of a IRC group that served pirated warez in private rooms. My first program was called a phisher. i wont explain. My second., and last was a text fader for AOL 4.0 called Darth Phader. Both written in VB which I learned from books.
I was in the Army at that time, retired and stayed in the tech zone. Mostly gaming.
I am retired and disabled and became bored with my laptops and gamed to pass the time on Android. One day I was watching YouTube and Chris Titus led me to DistroWatch where I began 13 months of distro jumping, usually breaking builds.
6 months ago I installed Manjaro XFCE. I hated it at first because I had always been a copy and paste linux user. i avoided the AUR as I didn't get it. Well today I have gonr from makepkg to writing out everything i do, using ZSH without a plugin manager and actively seeking my first language to learn!
I love terminals and am still trying to get mine perfect as far as looks.powerlevel10k just isn't for me but I will get it one day..
I've got several Playgrounds on github starred and am thinking python, node, rust are probably where I'd like to start. I keep getting sidetracked with things like opencv.
I spent a month getting a figlet banner on my term just right so you know vid2ascii rocked my world!
I'm Larry...retired US Army Ranger, single father of a 14 year old and wanna be Code Warrior!