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Discussion on: Facebook agreed to censor "anti-state" content in Vietnam

louy2 profile image
Yufan Lou

I’m really not interested in arguing with you about Facebook good vs Facebook bad via abstract assertions. I’ve looked at the record and fervently disagree that Facebook has proven effectively resilient against authoritarianism and fascism.

I don't either. My point is not "Facebook good". My point is there are more to the context of the records you have looked, which I think you should care about. I don't disagree that "Facebook has [not] proven effectively resilient against authoritarianism and fascism". Being the "most" doesn't mean effective. But if even the "most" is not effective, then what is? I am sorry I appeared confrontational. I want to invite you to think what's beyond the criticism. I have deactivated my Facebook accounts, used various alternatives, tried to get others off, to no avail. I have since become curious about what it actually takes to dethrone Facebook, only to find it a much bigger problem than privacy and technology.

I don’t think debating the current reality we have versus your headcanon of what a world without Facebook might look like us either useful or entertaining.

Because pertaining to the people in Vietnam and Facebook, this is exactly the pressure the government has put on them: with Facebook or without Facebook. Since you do not like the compromise Facebook has made, what do you think will happen if Facebook does not compromise? Will Vietnam government stand down and remove restrictions? Will Vietnam government keep the block and prop up a local competitor? How will it affect other competitors such as WeChat or VK, arguably not ethical either?

We agree that "[Facebook] does not have its users best interests at heart". In the case of Facebook not compromising, what will happen to Facebook users in Vietnam? What action is more in their interests than Facebook is currently doing?

I agree with the same privacy principles as you do. For us, we have alternatives. I only invite you to think about the users who may not be so strict as us. Indeed, their mileage may vary. But is that something so light we can shrug off?

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thejessleigh profile image
jess unrein

Hey. I’m sorry. I’m not reading this. I thought I made it clear that I’m not really interested in debating with you in this venue and I’d appreciate it if you stop coming into my mentions. Every time someone expresses an opinion online it’s not an open invitation for argument or to be corrected. Thanks.