
Lakshmanan P
Lakshmanan P

Posted on

Creating a new desktop environment in Linux Mint with i3.

Before moving into installing and setting up i3 let's discuss some features of it.

  1. It automatically arranges windows in a neat manner preventing the overlapping of windows thereby giving maximized screen space for multitasking.

  2. It involves only keyboard bindings so you can save the time spent for mouse interaction.

  3. The major advantage is switching between workspaces. I3 lets you create and manage workspaces dynamically allowing you to switch between applications in a easy way.

  4. The window tiling in i3 reduces the window clutter which makes you to focus on the particular task.

  5. I3 doesn't involve any window decoration hence it provides a neat and minimalist look.

  6. The other major advantage is that minimum usage of ram.

  7. You can customise i3 by adding functionality by using scripts and plugins. You can also customise your own key bindings, colors , layout behaviour and so on.


Installing and Setting up i3:

Now let's see how to install and set up I3 in your desktop:

Step 1: Open your terminal on your desktop using ctrl+alt+t or by your custom shortcut.

Step 2: Update your packages in the terminal to check whether your packages or upto date by using this command


sudo apt update


Step 3: Now run this command to install the i3 package.


sudo apt install i3


Step 4: After installation log out of the screen. Now you'll be taken to your login screen.

Step 5: Before logging in check for a gear like or settings icon. Select it to open a list of desktop environment. There i3 will be listed select it and login in with your cerenditials.As shown below:
Image description

Step 6: When you login in to your desktop it will ask you to generate a config file for i3.Press enter to continue.
Image description

Step 7: After generating the config file it will ask you to select the mod key. You can choose which is suitable for you. This mod key or modifier is used for the keyboard shortcuts.
Image description

Step 8: If you follow these steps correctly you will be using the i3 now.


Keyboard shortcuts:


These are some basic keyboard shortcuts for the i3:

  • Modifier key + d (to start and search applications)

  • Modifier key + enter (to open the terminal)

  • Modifier key + shift + q (to close an application)

  • Modifier key + shift + num keys like 1 ,2 (for moving an application to the workspace)

  • Modifier key + num keys (to switch between the workspaces)

The modifier key is the default key you choose it can be the windows or the alt key.




You can customise the key bindings and i3's behaviour by editing the config file. It wil be located in:




To understand more about the i3's features and key bindings refer their documentation:

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