DEV Community

Lakshmanan P
Lakshmanan P

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Useful tools that might come in handy :

  1. Vim: Vim's advantages lie in modal editing, customizability, efficient navigation, built-in commands, low resource usage, plugins, universal availability, improved typing skills, and a focus on efficiency. Its learning curve yields long-term productivity gains, encouraging touch typing and streamlining text editing.

2.Tmux: A terminal multiplexer that allows you to split your terminal into multiple panes, making it easier to manage multiple tasks and command-line sessions. An online cheat sheet tool that lets you access programming language documentation and examples right from the command line. It's a quick way to look up syntax and usage while you're coding.

4.fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder that makes it incredibly easy to search and navigate through your command history, files, and more.

5.jq: A command-line tool for processing and manipulating JSON data, which is particularly useful when working with APIs and data-driven applications.

6.The Silver Searcher (ag): A faster alternative to 'grep', 'ag' is a code-searching tool that's particularly useful when working with large codebases. It's optimized for speed and supports regex searching.

7.Zsh with Oh My Zsh: While Zsh itself isn't unknown, combining it with Oh My Zsh and its various plugins can greatly enhance your command-line experience, providing autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and more.

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