DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you keep track of all the great resources you find?

lynnewritescode profile image
Lynne Finnigan

I use Pocket, although I admit I often forget to ever look at them again. I just save things and then forget like you said. Now I have so much stuff saved that it’s a bit overwhelming!

superissarah profile image

Haha, yep! I have so many things saved in browser bookmarks, emails sent to myself, read later lists on Medium and here; it's definitely overwhelming. I think having the Cardsmith board helps a bit because it's much more visually pleasing than a dropdown full of lists. It still has the potential to get overwhelming if I don't actually read things and just let them pile up, so I guess we'll see.

I also like Tony's comment in this discussion about having an attitude of "read now or not ever" as a way of mitigating the overwhelming-ness of too many things.