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Monica Powell
Monica Powell

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

How To Create A GitHub Profile README

GitHub recently released a feature that allows users to create a profile-level README to display prominently on their GitHub profile. This article walksthrough how to access this new feature. I'll also be sharing some fun GitHub profiles I've seen so far. I'd love it if you shared yours with me on Twitter @waterproofheart.
The header GIF shows what my README looks like at the time of this writing. You may notice I was recently selected to be GitHub star!


The GitHub profile-level README feature allows more content than the profile bio, supports markdown which means you can play around with the content more visually (Did someone say GIFs!?) and the README is significantally more visible as it is placed above pinned repositories and takes up as much space above the fold of the webpage as you like.

A solid README is a core-component of well-documented software and often encourages collaboration by sharing helpful context with contributors. In my opinion, a profile-level README seems like a great extension of a convention a lot of GitHub users are already familiar with. If you're looking to make project-level READMEs more awesome and helpful check out matiassingers/awesome-readme for resources and examples of compelling READMEs.

How do I create a profile README?

The profile README is created by creating a new repository that’s the same name as your username. For example, my GitHub username is m0nica so I created a new repository with the name m0nica. Note: at the time of this writing, in order to access the profile README feature, the letter-casing must match your GitHub username.

If you already have a project in a repo-named username/username and are interested in setting up a profile-level README, then I recommend either re-naming that repository or re-purposing the existing project's README based on what makes the most sense in your particular situation.

  1. Create a new repository with the same name (including casing) as your GitHub username:

  2. Create a file inside the new repo with content (text, GIFs, images, emojis, etc.)

  3. Commit your fancy new README!

    • If you're on GitHub's web interface you can choose to commit directly to the repo's main branch (i.e., master or main) which will make it immediately visible on your profile)
  4. Push changes to GitHub (if you made changes locally i.e., on your computer and not

screenshot of the GitHub page for creating new repositories


The GitHub README profiles are written in Markdown which means you aren't just limited to texts and links, you can include GIFs and images. Need to brush up on Markdown Syntax? Check out this Markdown Cheatsheet.

If you're really ambitious you can use GitHub actions or other automation like bdougieYO or simonw to dynamically pull data into your README:

Serverless functions can also be used to dynamically generate information (for example your current Spotify activity):

I'm a huge proponent that folks should maintain a website they have complete ownership over (even if it's a no-code website solution) but this is tempting...

I've been inspired by the creative READMEs I've seen so far and am looking forward to seeing all kinds of profiles in the upcoming months.

Latest comments (45)

solitrix02 profile image
Sanchit Bajaj • Edited

Profile Image
My Github Profile.
If you like my work, do give a ⭐

ketanrajpal profile image
Ketan Rajpal

Ketan Rajpal Github Profile Readme

My Github Profile Readme

vindiv profile image
Vincenzo Di Vico

After reading this article i've created my readme. it's a work in progress and i'll update it, but i'm happy of the result. i've used an animation of me in my real office in flat style and with this avatar. next time i'll "upgrade" the animation with more element

shravan20 profile image
Shravan Kumar B

Hi, do check this project, to beautify your profile readme. Star it, if you like it.

GitHub Dynamic Animated Quote Generator

GitHub logo shravan20 / github-readme-quotes

Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes


Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes


alt PRs Welcome Open Source? Yes! GitHub contributors Pull Request Counts last commit deployment-status community chat

Github Readme Quotes

Copy and paste the following markdown content to display the quote.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


You can display your quote in different themes without any manual customization.

Use ?theme=THEME_NAME parameter as shown below.

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Available Themes

dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula





Light Theme


You can explore different themes here.

Feel free to contribute different themes.


You can also change the layout of your templates.

Use ?layout=LAYOUT parameter as shown below

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Layout 1 (Default)


Layout 2 (Socrates)


You can explore different layouts here.

Feel free to contribute different layouts.


You can also add animations to your templates.

Use ?animation=ANIMATION paramater as shown below

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Animation 1


You can explore different animations…

vadorequest profile image
Vadorequest • Edited

Just built mine in 2h time really quickly, with github stats, trophies, SO feed, medium feed, etc.

Thanks to which helped me bootstrap real quick!

jamesgeorge007 profile image
James George

I've built a GitHub Action that updates README with the recent activity of a user.

GitHub logo jamesgeorge007 / github-activity-readme

Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user

GitHub Activity in Readme

Updates with the recent GitHub activity of a user.



  • Add the comment <!--START_SECTION:activity--> (entry point) within You can find an example here.

  • It's the time to create a workflow file.


name: Update README

    - cron: '*/30 * * * *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Update this repo's README with recent activity

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme@master
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The above job runs every half an hour, you can change it as you wish based on the cron syntax.

Please note that only those public events that belong to the following list show up:-

  • IssueEvent
  • IssueCommentEvent
  • PullRequestEvent

You can find an example here.

Override defaults

Use the following input params to customize it for…

puneetgopinath profile image
Puneet Gopinath

Hey James George, you no longer maintain it. So here is a fork of it to use instead:

GitHub logo Readme-Workflows / recent-activity

Add your recent activity to your profile readme!

Recent Activity

GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub issues GitHub repo size Lines of code Discord Chat Contributor Covenant

This GitHub Action is a Fork of the original GitHub Activity Readme Action by jamesgeorge007.
Its our goal is to improve the original GitHub Action while also providing new features for the users.

Live Preview

This is an example live preview that is updated every time a commit is pushed using github actions.

Last Updated: Thursday, May 20th, 2021, 3:17:39 PM (GMT)

  1. ❗️ Closed issue #5 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  2. 🎉 Merged PR #6 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  3. 🗣 Commented on #3 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  4. ❗️ Closed issue #4 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  5. 💪 Opened PR #6 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity


The Action currently has the following Settings that you can set through the with option.

Option Description Default Supported Placeholder
GH_USERNAME The User to get latest activity from Repository Owner
COMMIT_MSG The Commit Message to use when updating the README ⚡ Update README with the recent activity
MAX_LINES How many activities to display 5
harshalrj25 profile image
Harshal Jadhav • Edited

Here's mine which shows your latest medium blogs.

checkout my repo to add medium blogs to your profile.

mridul037 profile image
mridul037 • Edited
ankit512 profile image
Ankit Kumar

Gave it a shot.

GitHub logo Ankit512 / Ankit512

This is the personal profile readme for...well me!

Hi there, I'm Ankit 👋👨‍💻

Linkedin GitHub Ankit Kumar| Twitter Instagram  Reddit HackerRank Medium

Hi, I'm Ankit Kumar, final year CSE undergrad from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, KTR 🏫. I'm also an indie game developer 🎮 snekaing my way into Data Science and Analytics 🤫.

Beside's developing stuff, I enjoy watching and playing sports , listening to music 🎧 and eating food 🍕. Apart from that, I'm also a pundit when it comes to sports like Football, Basketball and F1 🧐.

I'm also a die-hard supporter of Manchester United Football Club .

Uncomfortable thought: Warm Soda 😣.


Talking about Personal Stuffs:

  • 🌱 Game-Dev domain lead at Think-Digital
  • 🎮 Indie Game Developer
  • 📈 Data Analyst
  • 📊 Data Science and Data Analytics Enthusiast
  • 👦 Student Ambassador at Foxmula
  • Github's Arctic Code Vault Contributor batch holder
  • 💼 Currently looking for new job opportunities
  • 💬 Ask me about anything, I am…
hifiaz profile image

thanks! because of this article i also create

codeperfectplus profile image
Deepak Raj

Here is mine. How's It.
If anyone needs source code, fork it.

Hi 👋, I'm Codeperfectplus


Skilled in Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, As Well As Basic Basic Web Development Knowledge. Strong professional with a Master's Diploma in Data Science.

react css3 django docker html5 typescript postgresql python


codeperfectplus codeperfectplus codeperfectplus codeperfectplus

codeperfectplus profile image
Deepak Raj
aayushidroid profile image
Aayushi Sharma

Hi there 👋

I am aayushi Sharma. I Love ❤️ programming and currently working as Machine learning engineer.

Language & Skills

  • Python
  • C++
  • JavaScipt
  • Web Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep learning
  • Natural language processing
  • App Development

Things got bugs, gonna smash them one by one


annietaylorchen profile image
Annie Taylor Chen

Haha how can I not follow this trend, here is mine. :) Made with animated svg!

annie taylor chen github readme profile

lorddashme profile image
Dash Reyes

Great Article!

Just want to share this to add some details for the Github README profile 😄
