DEV Community

Discussion on: Share your portfolio if you want feedback! (CLOSED)

madza profile image

What I liked:

  • The site is very snappy.
  • Clean and professional look.
  • The profile picture fits well.
  • Great color scheme.
  • Colorful tags give an awesome accent.
  • Great dark mode.

Some ideas I would consider:

  • I would change Playfair Display font to something different. The Inter font is beautiful, keep it as it gives an awesome and quality look.
  • I would improve About me and Timeline. Try to add some illustrations or even better - some images of yourself. Some visuals and accents are missing, it feels kind of unfinished and plain at the current state.
  • Add some more line-height to blog titles. Currently, multiple line titles look pretty squeezed. Aim for something like you use in the Hero area description left to your picture.
  • I would probably add some background to the footer (navigation + social media icons). Like some very light grey or smth (like you use in View all button), so it is easier to distinguish where the content ends and the footer begins.
  • Give feedback button currently does not do anything. Add functionality to it.
  • Test your site for smaller screens. Use percentages instead of fixed values in breakpoints (check between 650px to 768px). If you use fixed values, center the elements. Use text-align: justify for the text when resizing.
ogzhanolguncu profile image
Oğuzhan Olguncu

I'll definitely implement those features. Thank you.

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madza profile image

Awesome, it's among the best I've reviewed today 😉👍