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Hi, I'm Mannyluvstacos!

All journeys start with the first steps.
These are my first steps.

I started out as a Graduate Chemical Engineer and found myself going back to school to get a degree in Computer Science.

Along the way I wanted to learn as much as I could before I went back into the work world. I had ~3 years (2 summers) until I graduated and I wanted to soak in as much as I could in that time.

I interned one summer at Bazaarvoice, another summer at PayPal and began my full-time career at HomeAway in Austin, Texas in 2016.

While at HomeAway I helped re-platform the company's web applications to Node.js+Hapi.js

I had the opportunity to speak about that experience at NodeSummit 2018. I was inspired to submit a talk after having gone to NodeSummit 2017 as my first tech conference and that experience leaving a lasting impression on me.

I wrote about my first ever tech conference (NodeSummit 2017) here.

I left HomeAway in February of 2019 and I am currently working at

I am interested in Node.js and GraphQL.
I am very interested in the inner workings of Node.js and the V8 engine.

My goals currently are to work on a few ideas and make them into open source projects that may be consumed by, and hopefully help, those in the tech community.

I just want to learn as much as I can while I'm here.
This is my first post, the next ones will probably be about ideas or thoughts that cross my mind with respect to technology, Node.js, productivity, growing older, and coffee.

I hope you enjoy them.


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