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Discussion on: GraphQL is a hot smoking pile of garbage

marcelltoth profile image
Marcell Toth

Let me guess: Did you experiment with Hasura?

The #1 reason I dislike that product is it is essentially SQL-over-GraphQL, which is totally not what GQL was intended for.

As with most technologies, GraphQL has its pros and cons, but you seem to associate it with direct SQL queries, which it has nothing to do with. Try building your own GraphQL server once or at least use a public GraphQL API (like Facebook's), and you'll see.

And please don't write such emotional articles about technologies before you at least have a rough understanding of what they are.

kidunot89 profile image
Geoffrey K Taylor • Edited

But Hasura comes with security outta the box with able to restrict visibility to parts of the schema by user creds, note it also has the ability to stitch together external GraphQL APIs and add an extra layer of security to those as well.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Might be, I've got no idea. I don't use GraphQL ...

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dncrews profile image
Dan Crews

LMAO. This explains everything.

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polterguy profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Thomas Hansen

Nobody serious about sw dev uses GQL ...

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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

That's an inappropriate generalization. This is why you're getting so many comments accusing you of egotism and ignorance. You're speaking as if an expert in GraphQL when you haven't used it, and you're insisting that no one can possibly use it well.

Even if you feel strongly, it is never okay to insist that "serious" software developers will or will not use a particular technology.

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polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

This is why you're getting so many comments accusing you of egotism and ignorance

I am not sure, but I think this is the first comment I've had accusing me of egotism? I have 2,169 reactions, 216 comments this week alone, and I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think I've seen that word before in any of my comments. So I'll take your advice, and quote you here ^_^

Nope, the burden is actually on you, author

Except this time you are the author ... ;)

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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

Okay. Here's a direct link to the source. If you read through these comments - you should be able to do that in under an hour - you'll see all the cases where people have expressed consternation at your ignorance and warned you that you were making claims that outstripped both your admitted expertise and your cited information.

I know you really enjoy being snarky and pretending you got one over on others, but you're really just making yourself look like the goat. I've learned how to read a lot of non-verbal cues over the years. Rest assured, the flavor of snark people are using in responding to you is indicative of the fact that you have made yourself an object of humor and derision.

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polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

you'll see all the cases where people have expressed consternation at your ignorance

The word of dispute was not ignorance, it was egotism my friend ... ;)

These are two distinctly different words according to the Oxford Dictionary of English. However, I think we'll end the debate here ...

Goodbye ... :/

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen • Edited

When I speak about things I speak about how most people use it. You can use C# as a functional programming language. Most don’t though ….

As to Hasura? I have no idea about the quality of their product. But I’ll take your word for it if you think it’s garbage …