DEV Community

Discussion on: Q: As a #CodeNewbie, what are your learning goals for the next #30Days?

mariasilva_dev profile image
Maria Silva

In the next 30 days I am hoping to finish my weather app with Vanilla JS! I need to learn about APIs so I can use real data, learn about GitHub and hosting, and of course continue to tweak it to perfection.

If you'd like to see my progress here is a twitter update!

Discord - Maria S#0727

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

I just checked out your project!!! This is awesome and I hope to check in on your progress .. love the fact your are building projects that reflect real data and use cases!

PS. - if you attend my lightning talk tomorrow do stop by after so I can make you a custom sketchnote with this goal. Use it as desktop wallpaper and stay accountable. :-)

mariasilva_dev profile image
Maria Silva

Hi Nitya, I would love that! Thank you for checking out my project, I look forward to your lightning talk tomorrow!