DEV Community

Discussion on: Are cover letters worth the time?

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Mark Nicol

I've recently been helping with a recruitment and have been surprised just how much a good cover letter makes a big difference when viewing an application.
I'd agree with the people that say it doesn't need to be long and that a general cover letter is often no better than no cover letter at all. What it can do is give context - why is it this job you are interested in, in what ways do you feel you would fit and to draw the recruiter's attention to things that might not be obvious from your CV - any gaps, if you've had a very different role in the past how you can see those skills being useful or this job being a step in a direction you are wanting to go.
From the other side I've found in the past that putting together even a couple of paragraphs helps me think - do I want this job? What would I have to learn? How good a match is it really? and to delve into the description and the advert to decide does this actually sound like a place I would be happy working.