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Discussion on: Up & Running with React, Redux Toolkit, Typescript and React Router

markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

Nice! Note that you can simplify the updateBook case, by directly finding and mutating an existing book object. I'd write it as:

updateBook(state, action: PayloadAction<BookState>) {
  const {title, id, author} = action.payload;
  const book = state.booklist.find(book => === id);
  if (book) { = author;
    book.title = title;
    // Alternately: Object.assign(book, {title, author})

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Note that you could also simplify this further using RTK's createEntityAdapter API:

const booksAdapter = createEntityAdapter<BookState>();

const initialState = booksAdapter.getInitialState();

const bookSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'book',
  reducers: {
    addNewBook: booksAdapter.addOne,
    updateBook(state, action: PayloadAction<BookState>) {
      const {id, title, author} = action.payload;
      booksAdapter.updateOne({id, changes: {title, author});
    deleteBook: booksAdapter.removeOne
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and the adapter reducer functions will handle the add/update/remove logic for you.

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ogzhanolguncu profile image
Oğuzhan Olguncu

That's a great addition, thank you!