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Discussion on: Angular or React which one to learn first?

markohologram profile image
Marko A

Just from your question I'm not sure what's your Javascript level. If you are just starting to learn Javascript and already want to jump into frameworks I would highly suggest that you learn more about Javascript first and then jump into frameworks, it will be way easier to understand frameworks later. It will also make it clearer what's Javascript and what might be framework specific stuff.

If you already have a decent understanding of Javascript then I would look at it like this:


  • if you come from a (strong) OOP background
  • if you prefer to have all tools immediately available to you "out of the box" (http library, state, router etc.), but also consider this might be overwhelming since it might have a steep learning curve because of all the tools included and you probably don't need them all in a single project most of the time


  • no OOP background required
  • if you prefer smaller initial tooling available and want to pick your own going forward
  • if you are prepared to tinker more on your own because React doesn't impose folder structure and isn't really that opinionated on how you approach building your app

Both have large communities and both have bunch of jobs available. No matter which one you pick you will gain valuable knowledge so you can be sure that that your time won't be wasted.

I would suggest you that you try building something simple in both of them and just decide which approach you prefer in the end. Just by reading the docs or reading blog posts won't really tell you how it feels working with each of them and which one really fits you personally. Usually picking a framework depends on the project, but it also depends on personal/team preference. So it's really important that you try them and work in that one you personally find better to work with. In your career you will definitely work with tools that you don't really like working with, but in this case you have a choice and you can test so why not work with something you like better in the end.

One also good choice is Vue, but depending on where you live it might not be popular as React or Angular so your business possibilities with it might be way more limited for you.

Of these two choices I personally prefer React because it's less opinionated and to me it's more fun to work with. I really don't like classes and HTML templating so Angular doesn't give me that joy while working with it. Although I appreciate that certain things are decided for you already in Angular and I would sometimes like that React is at least somewhat opinionated about few things or that some things have an official tool/package, but it's not like that. Community usually handles big libraries that aren't part of official React package or that the official React team doesn't maintain.

sudharsh_em profile image
Sudharsh EM

I come from .NET background having 6+ years of experience in OOPs concepts. Also and intermediate in JavaScript with ES6 knowledge. Trying to find out which font-end framework should I learn first.

I see that React is preferred by many developers. Let me learn that first.

I highly appreciate your time for explaining. Thanks.

markohologram profile image
Marko A

Well you come from a strongly typed language and OOP background so I actually think that Angular might fit you better with its concepts and the fact that it uses Typescript. It might actually be more familiar to someone with your programming background.

Because of that I would advise you to try Angular first, but as I've mentioned if you want to properly decide you should probably try both and just see which one suits you better.

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sudharsh_em profile image
Sudharsh EM

I'll definitely try both before starting. Thanks Marko.