Eggdrop is the most advanced, most popular and best supported IRC bot. If you've never used a bot before, you'll find that Eggdrop provides a staggering range of channel management options and can easily be expanded further to provide even more features. The Eggdrop code is free to download and use by anyone. Some of Eggdrop's key features include:
tar zxvf eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz
rm -rf eggdrop-1.8.4.tar.gz
cd eggdrop-1.8.4
make config
make install
cd eggdrop
pico eggdrop.conf
(or use your favorite file editor eg nano)
If your setup doesn't work as it should and you see something like this:
Tcl cannot be found on this system.
Eggdrop requires Tcl to be compiled. If you already have Tcl installed on
this system, and I wasn't looking in the right place for it, re-run:
using the -con-tcllib = '/path/to/' and
-with -tclinc = "/path/to/tcl.h" options.
./configure –with-tclinc = / usr / include / tcl8.6 / tcl.h –with-tcllib = / usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu /
`gcc -v
make -v
make config
More detailed for beginners click on: install eggdrop beginner's guide.
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