DEV Community

Discussion on: Hacktoberfest Completion Thread

mateusmuller profile image

Hi, everyone!

This was my first Hacktoberfest and I must say it was incredible. Pretty challenging though.

I have never worked directly as a software developer, but I used to code some Shell Script automations for myself, spending like 1 hour a week.

So I thought, am I really capable of contributing to something meaningful due to my lack of experience? I will give it a try.

I have searched some projects that use Shell Script, and were not too complex, so I was able to contribute. I felt amazing. The feeling of improving something (at least it's what I think hahaha) is awesome.

After the challenge, I will try to create the habit of contributing to open-source projects, even more because I don't work with programming, so I will keep learning and pushing myself to study more and more.

Thank you DigitalOcean! :)