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Hacktoberfest Completion Thread

This thread is a place to celebrate the achievement of completing Hacktoberfest 2019!

Use this thread to discuss your experience, highlight some of your PRs using the GitHub liquid tag, and more. You're also welcome to create a new post using the #hacktoberfest tag right here on DEV.

snoopy dancing celebrating

Top comments (368)

mbelsky profile image
Max Belsky

Today I've stopped myself to send a pr because hactoberfest hasn't started yet 😅

javatarz profile image
Karun Japhet

I've been queuing code for about 15 days now.. 😂 It's become an annual thing now :p

sakshamjn profile image
Saksham Jain

me too

alvarocneto profile image
Alvaro Camillo Neto

me too!

Thread Thread
nutriz profile image
Jérôme Gully

same :D

shivaylamba profile image
Shivay Lamba • Edited

Have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

ostomaj profile image
Joseph Ostroman

So excited for the t-shirts.

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

How did you get an invite? I've made 4 PRs and they show up on the start hacking page but didn't really get any completion message or invite. Not sure if I'm missing out on something

cxong profile image

Did you check your profile page

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saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Yes It shows progress bar as full and 4 PRs below but does not explicitly mention that I cleared it or does not mention link to this post

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cxong profile image

It arrives via email... try checking your spam folder

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saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Oh yes, I received thanks!

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balgopalpatro profile image
N Balgopal Patro

Can you please explain the process by which I can know the status in the hacktoberfest contest.
I have done 4 PRs and then there was started a timer for 7 days...
What about it. ???

Thread Thread
piyushinsider profile image
Piyush Baderia

The timer is for maintainers of the repo on which you raised the PRs to verify the validity of the PRs. If any of your PRs are marked invalid you have to raise a different PR to complete the challenge.

ftonato profile image
Ademílson F. Tonato

Me too 🧐

Thread Thread
saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

I got confirmation! It was through mail. They didn't exactly show anything on website. Also, in mail check promotions tab.

anandprabhakar0507 profile image
Anand prabhakar

Me too..

levanto_0 profile image

Me too :)

timrodz profile image
Juan Alejandro Morais

It's October 1 in my timezone so I have about 5 PRs ready to be hopefully accepted. 😄 One of them is to!

I'm really excited to be working with different code bases (including languages I've never tried before) this time! I must admit I'm having a blast 🚀!

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

As long as they are submitted they don't have to be accepted. As long as they are not reported as spam PRs, you're good.

Obviously we want our work to be merged. Last year one of my 4prs just sat there sadly, guess the maintainer abandoned the repo.

timrodz profile image
Juan Alejandro Morais

Oh okay, thanks for explaining that Fernando!

I actually went ahead and made a few more PRs 😊 hopefully all of them will be merged 🕺🏽

jessicavrooyen profile image
Jessica Van Rooyen

Completed 4 PR's! This was my first #hacktoberfest, so I was/am still a bit nervous. I'd like to be more active with contributing to open-source projects from here on out.

I feel extremely uncomfortable to touch any big problems, but this was a step forward!

jwithy profile image
Jim W

I feel extremely uncomfortable to touch any big problems, but this was a step forward!

That's all it takes!

Heck yes, and well done!!!

vypxl profile image

Felt quite the same but now after 4 little pr's, I am confident to maybe tackle issues of larger scale let's gooooo!

dalenguyen profile image
Dale Nguyen • Edited

Getting ready for tomorrow - Oct 1st!!!

And DONE!!!!

4 PRs

jddeep profile image
Jaideep Prasad

Just realized that I completed the #hacktoberfest challenge 😅. Have been contributing to Open source projects for quite some time now. Just love this stuff ❤️. Open Source community FTW 😄

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

That is the best thing ever... worked for years alone on a project ( and finally getting my first contributions/PRs :-)

shobhitrathi profile image

I just learned a lot by this event, did 4 PL and got here. Lets hope my PL don't go in waste. I am still doing more because of this event as it has given me interest in this thing. Thank You to DigitalOcean, DEV Team for Hacktoberfest

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻 • Edited

I am turning to PWA (the basic one)!

I decided to add Web App manifest to reactjs documentation for hacktoberfest so users can "Add to Homescreen" the documentations. Also added URL bar color and logo to it.

Here's my PR:

WebApp manifest added to allow users "Add to Homescreen" documentations #2377

This solves issue #2259


Currently there is not manifest set for the website so logo is blank and title is set as a name. Also the color of URL bar in chrome is plain white. Here's how it will look after this PR.


Image 1 is to show the new color of URL bar in chrome Image 2 is the screen after selecting "Add to homescreen" Image 3 is the splash screen after opening it as WebApp

I've added color to the URL bar, Configured name, short_name and other properties. and added a logo file in src/images/react_logo.png (Needed 512px png logo so had to add a new logo)

This is my first contribution here so I'm sorry if I missed out on something

2 of the PRs are in an npm module called prompts for some bug fixes.

And 1 PR is in the

GitHub logo tmrowco / tmrowapp-contrib

Tomorrow automatically calculates the climate impact of your daily choices by connecting to apps and services you already use.

I am looking forward to work with them even after hacktoberfest as they are working on application related to climate change.

Also, I am working on a PR for DEV. It will not really be part of hacktoberfest as I've already sent 4 PRs but I am super excited to work on DEV

gabriias profile image
Nelkisa Matias

i completed the challenge on Saturday (06/10) during an exclusive women's meeting, focused on learning and teaching git / github concepts for other women, together, we made the 'hacktoberfest for women'.
the initiative was born with the communit 'Developer Circles from Facebook' here in Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil and was has support for another groups, some like Women Who Code and Pyladies.

so, how the life isn't just code, one of my PR's, was in an amazing and funny repository, the 'DevJoke' of Shruti Kapoor (

"this is all folks!"


shrutikapoor08 profile image
Shruti Kapoor


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