I used Slack extensively at my previous company and it seems quite a number of people would complain about the issues with the platform. On the other hand, Discord seems to be a good alternative. Admittedly, I've only used Discord for smaller personal projects and I haven't tried integrations with Discord (like Jenkins for test notifications). With that being said, I don't see any problems with it working for bigger teams. Which do you prefer?

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Top comments (40)
Discord in my opinion! It is faster and the apps are better also more people have it/use it and you avoid the workspace hell, everyone knows the problem with Slack having 100 workspaces with 50 different emails and you have no idea anymore where your workspaces are on which email, the email system is totally wrong in my opinion. Discord you have one account that holds all servers.
I second this. I'm okay with 100 channels, but using different account for each workspace does not feel right. Discord would have been perfect only if it had the thread feature.
Pretty sure it will get threads in some update soon.
An update to this post, Discord has now reply feature!
My unpopular opinion is that slack I the worst thing that ever happened to remote work and a very lousy way to run your business. It gives a permanent sense of urgency, eclipse both long form written communication and direct human to human communication (wether facev to face, phone or video conference)
I agree it is pretty easy to get interrupted in your workflow with Slack messages. Alternative channels such as email or face to face have their own downsides. I think we just expect too much from Slack for most of our communication.
The key is to learn when to use which channel of communication. And that starts with realizing that Slack is not a silver bullet, although it's very addictive.
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion anymore. Personally, I have never heard anyone say anything good about Slack since I found out it exists.
Huge if true :)
Not biased because I'm also a gamer haha, but mostly due to user experience. While I find that slack is more "professional" and also there is the ability to make threads (which would be my only gripe with discord), I find that it's been buggy with in-built video calling/screen-sharing, which is a feature I love for remote-work especially for pair-programming sessions.
I've found Discord's voice clarity + screen share capabilities, along with general performance more robust overall.
Agree that Discord has a better conference experience. Voice has never been a core part of Slack design.
Slack all the way, only using Discord for calls if needed. Slack also thinks about the needs of users. You can nog guest invite someone from 1 Slack workspace into a channel from another workspace. This is useful for short projects or to invite other developers without paying for the extra user costs.
You can invite anyone for free on Discord for me this are not valid points.
True that! That’s why elaborated on Mathew’s comment.
In most cases Discord should be enough, but the Slack has integrations to show the build statuses of the pipelines from the current applications. Our monitoring tools are all linked to Slack so that we can immediately start investigating the issue, before the customer sends a complaint. Those features are worth the money when you are running a business and developing a brand. For small companies Discord might be a better choice in terms of costs.
To be fair, Discord is completely free and paid plans have fixed pricing regardless of team size.
Yeah that’s true and in most cases Discord should be enough, but the Slack has integrations to show the build statuses of the pipelines from the current applications. Our monitoring tools are all linked to Slack so that we can immediately start investigating the issue, before the customer sends a complaint. Those features are worth the money when you are running a business and developing a brand. For small companies Discord might be a better choice in terms of costs.
I have a software development startup and belive me discord is really good, the only "bad" thing is that it least as we have used it, is tedious setting the group chats, but after that is great plus the bots are GREAT, as a small company we enjoy having music during dailies and retrospective ceremonies.
I definitely prefer Discord bots but I fear having to configure them to have the same integrations as Slack will create unnecessary overhead for companies...
that's actually one of our problems, but we finally decided to make a role for bots, where they basically can't work on certain voice channels and or text channels
if we need a really serious meeting we go where the music bot can't enter
Slack has thread which many people like, it can be useful for big teams.
Threading is a killer. My previous company uses Slack and my current doesn't. The lack of threading is just a pity for all the rest team communication apps.
I forgot to mention, but threads are quite useful indeed.
I hope no one gets offended or upset by me saying this but I really love Microsoft Teams. I’ve used Slack and Discord for some of the online communities I’m a part of for both technical and fun stuff, and I just can’t get the hang of it. Teams just makes sense to me.
I recently tried using Teams for personal use too by signing in with my personal outlook and it seems to work pretty well for that too.
I use discord for my own projects and it's nice, but slack has more integrations and API functionality
Yeah I agree.
Same, here. Discord for personal projects and freelancing. I even replaced my usual embedded chat service with Discord recently.
I wonder your embedded chat service use case. Do you put a discord link to website instead of a chat widget like disqus?
can you share an example site?
Neither. IRC or Telegram here.
You are missing something really awesome in the form of discord
I'm missing nothing of the sort. I have configured Discord servers for two separate international conferences, and am a member of a Discord server for a MInecraft community I'm a part of. I just don't like it.
In terms of apps I prefer slack. There's no way to add Google calendar reminder in discord.
nah, You have bots that can set reminder in discord