DEV Community

Note-taking -- People still Do That?

Prince Wilson on June 24, 2019

Being a software developer is an incredible thing! There are opportunities to learn new things and almost immediately begin to apply them. Yet, one...
sammyisa profile image
Sammy Israwi

Never heard about Notion, but I am giving it a shot right now. The way it separates pages and how it has a line "type" for everything is throwing me off, but it seems useful in the long term.

I haven't been very good at taking notes before - I end up making everything into lists that eventually lose focus and are hard to read over. Hopefully something like Notion or taking sketchnotes, or mental maps (mind mapping?) works better for me!

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Steven Paulino

I agree that notetaking is extremely important especially when diving into a brand new topic. Heck, I currently have three notebooks a to jot down different topics I am learning. It is extremely helpful to refer back to and help memory recall. After jotting down my handwritten notes, I try to type it out on the computer and incorporate images/formatted code to further my learning/memory recall.