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Sammy Israwi

Software Developer who works mostly on Web stuff. I like JS, but I also like other things. I also do photography, and look at sneakers online that I will never be able to buy.


University of Central Florida


Software Developer at Microsoft

Writing Debut
Six Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Top 7
Learning How Compilers Work, And Getting Stuck

Learning How Compilers Work, And Getting Stuck

4 min read

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JS Project Setup: Code Quality is simple when you don't have to do anything

JS Project Setup: Code Quality is simple when you don't have to do anything

Comments 16
4 min read
Do you use Service Workers in production? How has your experience been like?

Do you use Service Workers in production? How has your experience been like?

Comments 8
1 min read
Optional Chaining may be coming to JavaScript

Optional Chaining may be coming to JavaScript

Comments 41
2 min read
Explain The New React Context API Like I'm Five

Explain The New React Context API Like I'm Five

Comments 1
1 min read
The status of Meteor on Windows in 2017

The status of Meteor on Windows in 2017

Comments 7
1 min read
Now that Hacktoberfest is over, do you have anything to share?

Now that Hacktoberfest is over, do you have anything to share?

Comments 5
1 min read
RxJS in practice: how to make a typeahead with streams!

RxJS in practice: how to make a typeahead with streams!

Comments 1
3 min read
What is RxJS when seen from a mile away?

What is RxJS when seen from a mile away?

Comments 1
2 min read
Hello, I'm Sammy!

Hello, I'm Sammy!

1 min read