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Discussion on: Implementing pagination with AWS AppSync

mbappai profile image
Mujahid Bappai

Great work Bryce for such an amazing explanation! I am however curious to know how to query say page 5 of your dynamodb without having it’s token stored in the previousTokens state array. Basically an offset query like you explained, all while using a token based pagination system like this. Thanks in advance for the feedback.

onlybakam profile image
Brice Pellé

this is not possible with dynamodb. if this type of indexing is needed, you may have to use another data source. you'll typically find this type offset indexing with sql databases. of course there are pros/cons to the diff implementations.

mbappai profile image
Mujahid Bappai

Thanks for the reply Brice. I recently started looking into amazon redshift, which basically allows you to copy your nosql database into it which then wraps it around an sql querying interface for you to use sql queries on.
PS: The redshift info above might not be entirely accurate as I'm still yet to look deeper into it.