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Matthew Hassenboehler
Matthew Hassenboehler

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Cloudy with a chance of Computing

So what exactly is Cloud Computing?

If I were to give you the exact definition of what Cloud Computing is from Wikipedia, it would be "Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user."
and that's cool and all, but why do we care about it? Why is it important to me as someone is a coding school or a SWE at their job? Or Why is it essential for modern application development and deployment? Well, let me tell you what I believe are the answers to some of those questions and a bit more.

How exactly does it work though?

Most people who know about the cloud and even know that they use it on a daily basis through a large variety of things may not exactly know the 'How?' though. So let's run through it quick.
First let me hook you up with a cool little picture to make the following information easier to digest.

Map of Cloud Computing

First our process begins when a client(Client Computer) requests access or use of a cloud service(Database), usually done through the use of the internet. The request is then received by the cloud provider's infrastructure(Computer Network). In our given image, the application servers are responsible for handling user requests. The provider then allocates the necessary resources to fulfill said client's request. And that's the gist of how the process of receiving things from a Cloud usually goes. If the client wanted to upload or store data onto the same cloud, the process would generally be the same only instead of the cloud sending data to the client, the client would be the one doing the sending obviously. Below I have made a fairly primitive function on how uploading data could be perceived.

// Storing data in the cloud
const cloudStorage = (data) => {
  // Code to send data to the cloud storage service
  // Here, we are simulating the process with a simple console log
  console.log(`Storing data in the cloud: ${data}`);

// Example usage
const userData = { name: "Matthew", email: "" };
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Granted there are some extra steps like data processing and replication on the cloud's end.

Why should we care about it?

There are plenty of reasons why we should care about it if you don't already. Here's a couple of reasons why they have become so popular;

- Accessibility
This is what I believe is the biggest reason why people care about cloud computing. It provides access to data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. This sort of accessibility is what allows and empowers remote work and collaboration, creating environments where teams can work together across different locations. Moreover, cloud computing promotes seamless integration and interoperability across various devices and platforms. Whether users access cloud services from a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, they experience a consistent and unified user experience.

- Cost Efficiency
It can significantly reduce infrastructure and operational costs. Instead of investing in and maintaining physical servers, businesses can pay for cloud services on a pay-as-you-go basis, which helps to optimize costs and allocate resources more effectively. This is mainly a huge deal for start-ups and smaller businesses as it saves an incredible amount of money versus spending to continue maintenance and potential upgrades of a self owned one. Another aspect is only needing to pay for what the client needs so costing can fluctuate depending on what projects there are instead of having to pay for a flat amount for certain amounts of storage/data.

In Conclusion..

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way we access, store, and manage data and applications. Its flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency have made it an essential tool for modern application development and deployment. As developers and software engineers, embracing cloud computing allows us to build and deliver innovative solutions with ease, ensuring seamless collaboration and accessibility from anywhere in the world.

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